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Appointment of Presidents of Federal Reserve Banks as chairmen

of Treasury War Finance Committees, to head the single Treasury sales
organization in each of the states within their respective Districts*

In Districts where Federal Reserve lines cut across state

lines, jurisdictional questions will be settled by adjustment and agreement •
3. Appointment by the Secretary of the Treasury in consultation
with the Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks of each of the twelve
Districts of a District sales manager to supervise all Treasury sales
promotions in their respective Districts•



The Secretary shall appoint the administrators and/or chairmen


of the state organizations, such appointment being made in consultation
with the Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks.

The National Sales Director together with such policy committee


as the Secretary may designate shall have absolute authority as to direc-


tion, policy, plans and procedures.

Policy and planning to be centralized in "Washington. The

regional decentralization does not delegate to regions the power to change
fundamental policies.

Line of authority shall flow from the office of the National

Sales Director through the Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks and
District Sales Managers to the States*

All communications relating to

policy and direction will clear in the same manner.
8. Line of operation and information (exchange of ideas etc.)
should remain veiy flexible. National Functional leaders, advisers and
consultants or inspetors shall have direct access to organization workers
within the states.


1. The Secretary of the Treasury shall appoint the Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks as Chairmen of the War Finance
Committee in each of the Federal Reserve Districts.
2. There is to be a Sales Manager in each Federal Reserve
3* There is to be a State Manager in each State -which lies
wholly within one district. In those States divided between two Federal Reserve districts, there is to be a manager for each part of the
4» Appointment of Saies Managers and other executive personnel, where the Secretary wishes to retain the power of approval, are to
be initiated by the Chairmen of the district organizations, subject to
the prior consultation with and approval by the Secretary of the Treasury.
5» All paid employees of thelarFinance Organization are to
be paid by the Federal Reserve Banks as Fiscal Agents on a reimbursable
6. National policy and program of the organization are to be
determined by the National Director of Sales, together with such policy
committee as the Secretary of the Treasury may designate. Such policy
and program are to be carried out in the regional, decentralized basis,
with the understanding that the fundamental national policies will not
be changed at district levels.
7* Line of authority shall flow from the Office of the National
Sales Director through the Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks, acting as Chairmen. All matters relating to policy and direction are to
be cleared through the Office of the district Chairman. National functional leaders, advisers, and consultants or inspectors shall have access
to workers with the prior knowledge of the Chairman but without authority
to give orders.
7» At national, district, and state levels, there is to be
but one single organization. The Victory Fund Committees and War Savings Staff that have been operating will disappear.

1* The Secretary of the Treasury shall appoint the Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks as Chairmen of the War Finance
Committee in each of the Federal Reserve Districts*

There is to be a Sales Manager in each Federal Reserve

3* There is to be a State Manager in each State which lies
wholly within one district* In those States divided between two Fed-*
eral Reserve Districts, there is to be a manager for each part of the
\\. Selection of Sales Managers and other executive personnel
is to be made by the Secretary of the Treasury after consultation with
and approval by the Chairman of the district organization* Appointment
of the personnel so selected shall be made by the District Chairman*
5« All paid employees of the War Finance Organization are
to be paid by the Treasury*
6* National policy and program of the organization are to be
determined by the National Director of Sales, together with such policy
committee as the Secretary of the Treasury may designate* Such policy
and program are to be carried out on the regional, decentralized basis,
with the understanding that the fundamental national policies will not
be changed at district levels*
7* Line of authority shall flow from the Office of the
National Sales Director through the Presidents of the Federal Reserve
Banks, acting as Chairmen* All matters relating to policy and direction
are to be cleared through the Office of the district Chairman. National
functional leaders, advisers, and consultants or inspectors shall have
access to workers with the prior knowledge of the Chairman but without
authority to give orders*
8* At national, district, state and other levels, there is
to be but one single organization*