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Office Correspondence

Mr* Ecdes


November 2,


Mr> Carpenter

You will recall that a few days ago following the meeting
of a committee of life insurance representatives with the Secretary
of the Treasury, there was reference in the press to a letter sent
by Mr. Harrison to the Life Insurance Association and the American
Life Convention.
In a telephone conversation with Mr. Bouse, he told me that
he had obtained a copy in New York and would send one down to me. It
arrived this morning and a copy of the letter is attached for your information.

51 Madiaon Avenue
New York 10, Mew York
October 21 f 1948
Chairman of the Board
Mr* Leroy A* Lincoln, President
Life Insurance Association of America
165 Broadway, lew York* N* X*
Mr* W» !• Bixby, President
American Life Convention
230 £• Michigan Avenue
Ghicagof 111*
As you knowf the Joint Coimittee on Monetary Affairs of the Life
Insurance Association of America and the American Life Convention urns invited by Secretary Snyder to hold one of its periodic meetings with him in
his office at the Treasury Department last Monday, October 13*
The committee spent two hours at the Treasury Department going
over various charts and figures and in an exchange of views vlth the Secretary
about the poaiibility of our cooperation jta the struggle against inflation
whichf at he painted out, is of such great concern to the country as a whole
and to our policyholder© i& particular*
He emphasised at the outset that he would not under any circus
Btances ask us for or expect BXIJ ^agreement11 about restricting our loaning
operations• He understood that it in quite impossible for us to make any
such agreement or coaroLtment* either as a eomlttee or as a group of insure
anee companies* He did say* however$ that he hoped that the coMittee might
in its owa m y take ®oa@ steps to inform the insurance tmsinessf as a whole*
of his v i e w of the existing dangers to our ecomoay and thms serve to create
an atmosphere of caution on the part of lending insurance companies just as
the American Bankers Association haa endeavored to do with the banks of the
lour committee pointed out to the Secretary that the life imsur-*
anee businees as a Khole is equally concerned about the rapid spiral of
rising prices! that we have individually and aa a group, ev#r siBce the b©*~
ginning of the m r f endeavored to do our part to restrain inflation} that
we have participated in a countrywide cooperative advertising campaign
against inflation} that many companies have circulated brochures among their
pollcyholdera indicating ¥hat individuals might properly do to restrain inflation} and that the coraAttee itself had written to him when he flrat

aesuaed office as Secretary of the Treasury reiterating its views of
we in the insurance field, the public and the government might do to help
combat inflationary pressures*
The purport of the Secretary10 discussion H E B that we might tryto fojwtlate same program alaed toward restricting unnecessary inflationary
loans* He pointed out that he m a aware that m n y loans were needed by industry &®d co^terce to increase production and to facilitate distribution
and that these loans Bay well be isade within any reasonable program of
roltant&ry credit control* Ve stated that while moat # if not all f construction loansp ^wheth^r for housing or for new industrial facilities^ might be
considered inflationary * certainly in the first instance9 judgment a might
well.differ as to ^fa&t ie a necessary or an tmnecessary loaa# Ijasad on its
social 01* tccm^^Lc : mkie* The Saeret^ry agreed with ua that this is eo and
that each company mist- be left free to make itsc o m decision of this difficult question* Bat ve..all felt timt it ^^ould be helpful if each company
would make this decision in tae present period of rising prices in an atmosphere of caution and restraint*
The committee manured the Secretary of its desire to cooperate
with hia efforts to restrain unnecessary inflationary pres^urea and atatad
that we would, advise you of our meeting and our discussion BO timt, tliromgii
you, yomr membership might be informed and be In a position to n&e its
own judgment aa to the actual social or economic need for &ny particular
loan in the light of present conditions*

Sincerely yours$
(Signed) George !*• Harrison
Chairman of the Cosnlttee*