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July 8, 1947
Chalraan Eceles
Moodll®f Thomae

Participation by Soard1* staff
is studies relating to tio "Marshall

This a^ioopEndim is in response to your request for information
m to tfe© extent to which the Board's staff has been dr&wa into studies
leted to the "Marsfaiai Plan*.
Of course, • great deal of the regular Mork of the international
sections (especially of the Suropean group under Mr. O^rsehfenkron) is directly
related to ths development of this progr&m. However, the progrea h&s uot y©t
been put into the Hatioa&l Advisory Council machinery, and the only specific
demand aada upon the Board*s staff for vork of thlc character h&s com© from
the Bep&rtaeat of State is the fora described ia Mr. Saapp1© meaorandum to
ycm of J\aa« 26. 0ns meaorandua has so fax bees prodiacad and traassitted to
the State trnpaxtemat in raspoase to this request (copy sent to j<m by Mr,
laapp on JuLy 7 ) , This w r & ii contimiiiig and Is absorbing aach of the
tiaa of the Icouoaists ia the Europeaa group.
HaantrhiXs, in re&poas© to ths request received by you from
t&ry Strug, Mr. Morse Is eerviug on a special interdep&rtatent^i cosauitta«
established by the Departi»at of the laterior to cooperate ia studi&js of
United State© resoiurcee which th© President requested frosa Secretary Xrag
oa Juae 22. Th® first meeting of ttiis committee was held oa Ju^y 3 under
the chairmanship of Assistant Secretary Kara* and m m devoted mainly to
procedural problems. Mr. Morse wag naued to serre on an a^ hoc smbcoasittee
to draft & proposed statement of paarpf©«ie« »ad proeedsres, amd SUMI to serve
on an Editorial ConMitt©® which will as<^Mblet organise, and edit saterials
prepared by working parties in the different eoaaodlty fields. This VQT*
1B expected to take a substantial portion of Mr. Horse's time, lie vill
call oa member® of the Diviaion's staff for assistance in the vork of the
Editori&l CoM&ittee if necessary, but aeabers of the BiTislon'e staff are
expected to participate in the imdividu&l working parties.
Tou may also recall that th@ President appointed & special noncommittee of nineteen prominent persons under the eh&ina&nship of
Secretary Harrlaaa to prepare a report on the general question of this
country's capacity to extend economic agsmistane® to foreign countries. This
eofHE&ttee, the first aeotifig of which will take place toward the ®n& of this
aoath after Secretary iarrlaan returns from Suropof tsclades Chester Davis,
and It is possible that ha vill solicit technical assistance from members
of the Board*s staff.