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"or THE

3ffice Correspondence

Chairman E c c l e s


Mr. Vest


November 3*, 1947

Subject! Consumer Credit L e g i s l a t i o n *

The Legislative Counsel for the Senate got in touch with Mr* Cherry
about the form of our Consumer Credit Bill* Mr* Cheriy gave him a copy
of the bill which we sent up to Congress last summer but which was not
introduced. The Legislative Counsel indicated that possibly Congress
might want to put a time limit in and possibly might prefer a shorter
bill, although, of course, he did not know what the decision might be*
Accordingly, after talking with Governor Evans about the matter, we sent
up to the Senate Legislative Counsel a very brief form of joint resolution
which could be used if Congress rejects the idea of a bill and which would
have the virtue of incorporating in one sentence authority for the Board
to make investigations, issue subpoenas, and obtain injunctions against
violations. This is done through referring to existing provisions of law
which give like authority to the S.E.C* Power of injunction is essential
to proper enforcement of the legislation and it is important that this
power be incorporated in whatever form the legislation may take*
I attach a copy of this brief form of joint resolution for your information because it is possible that something of this kind may come
up during your forthcoming appearance before the Senate Committee.
I would like to emphasize that the Senate Legislative Counsel requested that our conversations with him be treated as strictly confidential.



To authorize the temporary regulation of consumer credit•
Resolved "fay the Senate and the House of Representatives of
the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, in order to
protect the nation1s monetary, banking and credit structure and interstate and foreign commerce against increased inflationary pressures,
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, notwithstanding
Public Law 386 of the 30th Congress, is hereby authorized to exercise


consumer credit controls pursuant to

Executive Order Numbered 884-3J hut no such consumer credit controls
shall be exercised after such date except during the time of war
beginning after the date of enactment of this Joint Resolution or any
national emergency declared by the President after the date of enactment of this Joint Resolution*

All the present provisions of sec-

tions 21 and 27 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended
(relating to investigations, injunctions, jurisdiction and other
matters) shall be as fully applicable with respect to the exercise by
the Board of Governors of consumer credit controls as they are now
applicable with respect to the exercise by the Securities and Exchange
Commission of its functions under that Act, and the Board shall have
the same powers in the exercise of such consumer credit controls as
does the Commission under the said sections.
