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Office Correspondence

Chairman Scdes

Date September i?, 1045

-•* ^» Sz^.csak

ITr. dropped in on r»e the other day and diseissed with me the
real estate credit situation, whjch he considers inflationary• I
asked him to point i t vp. He d5d so ?dth four points in the renorandam that i s attached*
If you went !:r» Kramer to drop in, I am mT<* v>e will be glad to do so*
He i s in rihica^o now. H5 s corporation (Draper and Kramer) i s \r*ry
lar^e and they dc an extensive business there. Should anything or can
anything be done?

Memo on Heal Estate Inflation
From. Ferd Kramer t© Governor Szrmczak

1 - The Government is following two diverse policies in regard to real
estate financing•
(a) The Federal Housing Administration is attempting to
hold the line against inflation by national appraisal policy
that pegs prices around the 1941 level*
(b) Those institutions whose savings are insured by the
Government, such as building and loan associations and
savings banks, are in many instances following present day
market prices in their appraisals. Due to the terrific
shortage and great demand for housing, these prices have
been sky rocketing andare still going up*
2 - It seems to me that the mortgage operations of a savings institution should be at least as strictly controlled as the mortgage operations of companies who loah their own funds and have the double
check of an FHA appraisal and the appraisal of the insurance
company or other institution that purchases the mortgage from them*
The savings institution gets its money from small depositors and
except for an annual book audit, which in few cases actually checks
the security behind the mortgage paper, has no real control over
its appraisal and loaning practices*
3 - Remedy*
(a) Institute an appraisal system in savings institutions
similar to the FHA, or
(b) A competent thorough test checking of the soundness of
the appraisals and loans already on the books of the savings
4 - Until some form of credit control is established, price controls
in the housing field should be maintained but the policy should be
to get an adequate appraisal system established as quickly as
possible* so that price controls can be released at the earliest
possible date*

September 15, 1945