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Office Correspondence

Chairman Eccles


Walter R. Gardner

Date J™ 12, 1946
Subject: NAG matters of some importance

I think you should be informed, of a couple of matters that
came up during or immediately after yesterday's meeting of the NAC
Staff Committee.
Ho Export-Import Bank request this year
for an additional f1,250 million?
Gus Maffry told me after the meeting that the Export-Import
Bank people felt that, if they requested additional funds of Congress
at the present time, they would be left holding the bag. They thought
the other NAC agencies would not actively come to their support.
Therefore he doubted very much if the Export-Import Bank would make
any request this year. It would get along as best it could on its
present resources.
Requests of United States directors on
Fund and Bank for NAC ^li ^^
As you know both Harry White and Pete Collado have submitted
to the NAC brief reports on developments in their institt&ions.
Tfhitefs report is pretty routine. Nothing is said about the issues.
Collado goes much farther. He discusses issues and asks for policy
guidance on them from the NAC. The NAC has turned the documents over
to the staff group for their analysis and coirnnents.
At yesterdayfs meeting of the staff group it ?/as clear that
the Treasury people were troubled by these requests for policy guidance
by Collado. Although they did not say so outright, it was apparent
that what was bothering them was that Collado was setting a precedent
which, if established, would have to be followed by White. They took
the position that policy guidance was premature and might impede free
discussion among the directors of the Fund and the Bank.
The staff people of most of the other NAC agencies felt that
Collado was pursuing the right course in letting the NAC know what were
the live issues and seeking its reactions. They believed it was up to
the NAC top group to discuss such questions with the directors. The
NAC might reach certain tentative conclusions but would undoubtedly
not wish to tie the hands of the directors. Even a directive might be
tentative pending a report on the views of the foreign directors. The
real purpose was to enable the American directors to keep actively in
touch with the NAC and to be sure they were moving along together on
the issues involved. In any case the requests for policy guidance had
been made and referred to the staff; and it was up to the staff group
to submit recommendations to the NAC top group.

To: Chairman Eccles

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The Treasury staff people appeared to be somewhat impressed by this position? bub they wanted to have a recommendation
prepared on procedure before making any recommendations on the
particular problems raised by Collado. To this the staff group
agreedj and such a recommendation will be prepared by the Treasury
and checked with the different agencies before it canes up for consideration at the next Staff Committee meeting*
Ho immediate Export-Import Bank loan to Philippines
The staff group will recommend to the NAG top that no
general loan to the Philippines be made at present by the ExportImport Bank, although individual exporter loans to that country may
continue. The Philippines do not have a dollar shortage problem.
Due to our military expenditures their dollar balance of payments
is strong and, in any case, their pesos are covered 100 per cent
by dollars and are consequently as good as dollars whenever the
Filipinos wish to buy abroad.
They have, however, an acute budget problem. In a few
weeks1 time it may be necessary for them to stop paying Government
bills. Since in their disorganised state they will find great
difficulty in quickly raising taxes or borrowing from the public,
and since they have no central bank from which they can get peso
loans, it may be necessary to make them a dollar loan against which
they can legally issue a corresponding amount of pesos for internal
use. An immediate study of the situation from this standpoint will
be proposed by the staff committee. A dollar loan to cover the
budget deficit might require direct action by Congress.