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July 17, 19*3

Chairman Eccles

Treasury financing program

L. M. Piser

Mr. Seltser, one of Secretary Morgenthau1s part-time advisors,
phoned this morning and asked a few questions about the financing memorandum
that the System submitted.

In the course of the conversation, he suggested

that i t might be better to raise the b i l l rate to l/2 of 1 per cent than to
offer 9-®onth b i l l s .

He also suggested that if the Treasury and the System

consider theiaselves committed to 3/S of 1 per cent on three-month b i l l s ,
i t might be desirable to extend the naturity to four months and to issue
b i l l s at l/2 of 1 per cent.

It seems to me entirely possible that he will

make this recommendation to the Secretary.

In addition, Mr. Seltxer said

that he thought i t undesirable both to extend the maturity on 2 per eent
bonds beyond 10 years and to sell a large additional amount of these issues
to banks.

His position on this point was that the Treasury and the System

should sot deviate from the 10-year limitation on bank purchases of new
issues and that if a large amount of 2 per eent bonds raised the income
of the banking system materially a difficult political situation would be