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Board of Govan»ora
Mr. Cherry

laarii>*s on tha b i l l i>.
t o rw u ul*ta bank bololn* ceapanlss.

Coaptrollar of th« UvrmMT Dslan© and «r. 8a»oal
tewart t«stlflad at tha hamringa an ths teak folding soapsny b i l l
this «omii»t. In addition* Mr. Cocka, repreeantlaL tha Aatriean Bank*
ars Association* subalttad a st*t*asnt with rapaaot to aaaruLaacta propoaad by taa Association a« had baan praviouali raquasta* by tba C«»«Kttta«| and /r. ' . I« sieadhan, C<jun»«l for tba Aaarlaan cankara Aaaoeiation, obtali\ad paralaaioa for Htm Caasron Thaajaw\ to tubait a »tata«ant Utar ragardlng Um b i l l .

Sir* I alano raad a praparad ata.taoantf tna flat of vnleb wa» ha
balla^ad la pr<9par bank noldlnf coapanjr lagialatlon, but that ha fait
that tha praaant b i l l crantad too broad dlaarationary powara to tha
3oard9 that oonaidaration ahould ba glTan to aoaa diffnalon of tbt
ad»dni»tratior» batman tha varioua Fadaral bank supervisory »^an©l««,
as4 that, in any «vant, uuawroua proTidon* of tha b i l l ahould f aaandad for taohnieal or othar raaacns. Ha dlaouasad al«-van dlffarant provision* In tha b i l l which in ni» judg»ant raquirad anandaant. Is raapeBsa to a qnaatlon fros banator Tobay, &r. l alano rafuaad to say vaathmt ha « M for or a&alnst tna c i U , but raitoratad his stataaaot that tha
b i l l ought to ba shangad in aoaa raspaeta. Ma saia ha haA disauaaad tha
b i l l with ^oraUry .inydar# that Saoratary .xiydar aad aathorUad hill to
aaka this atatoaant b*£i>r* tha eoaaattaa, aud that ha thought
vl«»s agraad ^anarally with his*
Mr. i:«lano daelioad to d i i e o i in oajan hoarm* tha aattar of
tha pandlAg appliGaUona of tha Bank of Aaarlea to astabllsn branahas
and i t « M iadieatad that ha would ba glTan at. oppertwlty to dlseuss
thla la&ttar with tha subooaalttsa in axucutxve sasaioaj.
Stawart, raprasaQtiAg Trtniaaarloa,* r*m from a
praparad ata.t«aaat9 tha bulk of which daalt with tba astivitiaa of bank
of Aasrlaa. dm also subaittad stataaMbts (1) in raply to Chairman
tiaCaba'e atataasnt of NJarah 6, 1950 rafcardlng tba arils iutaodad to ba
by tha bill* and tha Chairman's soppXaaantal tasUaony «iv«n on
17* 1950, (?) anawarint a>. Townaand'a lattar of March 13 ra^aroV
ing tha dafinition of bank holding aoapany contalnad in tha b i l l ,
(3) with raspact to tha tax quastlons ralsad by tat bill, and (k) aontainlng his own viaws as to how tha b i l l shovXd ba aaatdad.

Board of Gcnren or* » •
ftobertscn, <aybank sod T©bey had a dleeuaeion aa to
whether Chairman Mo^abe ahoulci be given an opportunity tc re^ly to
the Comptroller'a aufcteetioue, aa wall aa the suggestion* to be eubaltted by other A. In this connection, i t waa neutioned by Senator
Robertson that a group of batik holding company representatives are
aaeting in Kew York and nave aeiied permission to f i l e a statement
regardi&g the b i l l next week* The idea of holding the hearing cpem
until Chairman iteCabe'e return waa dropped| and i t apparently waa the
consensus that an effort would be made to get a l l tha etateaents in toe
record by next week, tnat the record should then be printed and distribute
edf end that thereafter the Hniaa1ttee would cooaiaer what kind of a b i l l
emwuld be reported*
benator Robertson stated that he waa not satisfied with the b i l l
aa i t la new drawn and taat he intended to have the b i l l rewritten* In
this connection, he weaned to look » 1 J I favor upon the aaaodasnta
ed by Mr* Delano, stating that such amendment a were designed to tighten
up the b i l l , eliminate vagueneee, and reduce the amount of <&aeration
eeaferred upon the Board*
It was agreed to hold another hearing on Thursday
tfareh ?3, for the purpose of asking further quastior»« of Mr. ; elano
and also to give aV* Harl an opportunity to appear if he so deairea*
In the absence of unforeseen cevelopaentB, the hearings w i l l close on
levelopaents today elderly indicate that the b i l l will be
rewritten md aodified ia several respect a and* in view of the procedure
indicated today» i t aay be come tisjs before the aubeoewdttee takes

eei All Aoard siesibsra
Jforrillj rhurstoni
Kiefleri Carpenter
