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July 19, l?50c

BY MESSENGER - 10 a 0 m 0 7/l9

Honorable J» William Fulbright,
United States Senate,
Washington, D. C.
Dear Senator Fulbright:
Marriner Secies asked me to send you the enclosed
statement of his views on the inflation problem which is so
greatly accentuated by the Korean developments»

Be thought

you would be interested in having it since the problem is
now acute and before the Congress»
Best regards»
Sincerely yours,

Elliott Thurston,
Assistant to the Board«


ET :mnni

July 19, 1950,

BY MESSENGER - 10 acmo 7/l9

Honorable Paul H» Douglas,
United States Senate,
Washington, D. C.
Dear Senator Douglass
Marriner Eccles requested se to send you the attached
statement of his views on the inflation problem which has been
so greatly accentuated by the Korean developments. This is in
accordance with his conversation with you just before he left
Washington for a brief trip to Utah* Be did not have an opportunity to coaplete the statement before leaving and transmitted
it to as by wire last night with the request that I send a copy
to you as promptly as possible»
Sincerely yours,

Elliott Thurston,
Assistant to the Board«

