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Warren E. Keliej604 Gene see Building


llr# Marriner S. Eccles
Chairman Federal Reserve Board
Washington, D # C«
Dear Sir}
It was very disappointing to read your open letter to Senator Byrd.
We expect better things from a man of your calibre*
It is very obvious that your motive was to defend what is apparently
the most scandalous political corruption and waste of the peoples savings
that this country has ever seen, put over under the cloak of charity*
We would expect a man like you to condemn such methods*
Senator Byrd is a capable, clear headed man with the welfare of our
country at heart, and every word that he said was the truth.
Mo manwill
ever go wrong in his thinking if he follows Senator Byrds1 guidance, he
keeps his feet on the ground and has had good business experience*
You said n he insulted millions of self respecting men and women M
when he said they have ceased to exert their efforts for self help, and
you state you never saw anything of that kind. There is plenty of evidence
of that kind everywhere* Last Summer our Berry growers, and Peach growers,
just outside of Buffalo, begged for men to pick Fruit and not a relief toan
would accept the work. They finally brought men from Ohio and the women
all the way from Georgia to do the work.
If relief and W.P.A. was curbed most of the saloons and horse parlors
would close up, their patronage is largely relief money* Many a time relief
men are arrested for drunkenness, and their families without food.
The thing that put our democracy in danger was the starting of these
wild ideas, and naturally there will be strong resentment to stopping these
socialistic schemes, because the loafers like the system very much.
Mobody ever starved in this country and the people in distress have always
been taken care of, but nobody owes us a job or anything else*
All W.P # A* work costs about one hundred per cent more than work done
by private contractors, and the people are entitled to get value for their
money* These men should not be on a political payroll.
Dec 28/38

Warren E.Kellej
604 Genesee Dirilaiiitf


Mr* Eccles.

Page 2.

Is It fair for any man to demand that his neighbor, who ha$
worked many years and
gone without things to save a little money,shall
provide him with an H abundant life " and give him things the thrifty
man never had ?.
That was the Russian method.
That also is the creed of the highwayman and pirate» they take
what they want from the fellow who has worked for what he has*
If the administration will stop competing with private business
we will not have so much unemployment«
The administration keeps saying H If Bankers will not loan
If contractors wonft build homes
If Power Companies donft reduce rates.
If towns want to duplicate existing Power Systems, we will
grants and loans•

- we wil!
we will
we will

And all of this generosity is with other peoples money, dished
out on the say so of a department without the taxpayers consent*
All these things the Government should announce are not within
the scope of government activities, then private enterprise would not
be afraid to go ahead, but with a threat hanging over them they are

Sincerely yours,

Dec 28/38