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Apt. 4 , ^10 Vaughin Boad,
Toronto, Canada.

Marriner 3. Eccle3, Esq. ,
Federal Reserve Board,
Washington, D. C»
Dear Sir*.
It was with considerable interest that I ret.d
your recent letter in the press in reply to Senator Byrd.
I am thoroughly in agreement with your views,
and because of the similarity of those viev/a with some that
I have held for some time, I am enclosing a brief analysis
of profits, investment and government spending on which
your opinion and criticism would be appreciated.
Trusting that this will not put you to any
inconvenience, I am

Tours very t r u l y ,


itf. tf. ROSS


Ji4iuury 9, 1939.

air. feilliajn D.
<10 Vaugnan tvocid
loronto, oanada.


Dear Mr.
This i-- to acknowledge receipt of your letter
vvibh reference to my recent reply to Senator tiyrd and
enclosing your analysis of profits, investment and government spending, 1 was interested in looking this
over b e c o u ^ of thefciirjic'iityof your approach to my
own. r.nile I have not yet had an opportunity to give
it the close study which it merits, I find myself in
accord with your general conclusions.


i wanted you to know that I appreciated your
interest and your courtesy in sending this material to

oincereiy yours,

M. o. Eccles,

