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f«*»», April 14»1»#1.

tioaoreblo To® voaa* lly,
«aohlagUw» D«v«
* aar ^ooator wo^n* ly*
1 »iab to oapraaa to *ou ay aiaearo rw&rot *t Uto paaaiag of -en*tor
pard, your aoot worthy
* ^ra^tor roapeaaibility raata on yon
m m then ovor bafora to uiw*ild th» proatigo of th« g r m f u t stato in tho
imioo, of tft® groataat ooantry of th« world, la th« £r»*to*t dollborativo
body on a*rth.
iron tho past I «*t aura it mill ba aaat ably uphold,
tbia m u r Jmo » t»o-fold purpoao, mm I *m m&lmtog fewPtwHH two olipplaga from thoftallaoMorale na»a, atololi aro aolf oaplaaatory. fho* rolato
to tiw n M l JUportwit aubjoot Ui*t U m coogro** of tho gjaltod staioa c«b
posalbly oonaMor* fbo fixiaaoia^ of tba #ra*t dofoaao pro^nua, aad alao
t o boat M U M of flaftaolx^ u»» | m i buaiaoaa latoroata of our oo .airy.
la oho ullppii* «oa.)£ftrriaar 3,®oeloo, cbaimaa of th« r«i«f»l ftooorvo
Board, blttorly *rrm%$pm mm.fright pataaa* lor «dvooatlng tho U u« of
aaw aonoy by
& & w w m m a % 9 iaataod of iaoro*alag tatxoo aad laaulag boad*.
«i»o the other olippla* on* of tho odltora of tho so* Xorfc Ear*Id fribuao»
vary blUorly critic U « a if*.j»ata*a# ««itaar itr.scoioo, nor tha »Utor,
seem* to h*ir« «ver ha^rd of jtfioraoa, j*ciuK»a, Lincoln, and ft boat of
ottior gro&t Aaarioaaa» including jyr.gdiaon, all of whom advocator tho it*
stto of aoaoy by tb» sovaraaaai, not ooly to tiaaa nico thoao, butfttoil.
tlaoo. l*o falluro of U » voagroaa to folio* the ^oaatitutloa aad tho toaobInga of tboao groat *«arioaaa io tlso mlii m w * of our praaoat diatroaa,
Mr .leeloa aooaa to Utiak
oiron Ui« Dictfttor <u»tiom borrow mmy
la•toftd of leaning U ,
U no doubt corroot,
it io vsr; lilioiy ibftt
Bitlor «iS£i iiitfltftollxii botii atood in nitli Urn bunHwro of tiioir roopoctivo
ootmtrioo for th«ir m t m l boaofit. i ia*vo aovor yot boiiovo4 tlmt oitlior
Hitior or Muftooiiai oro tm i^rofti a U t o o M a »* tnooo aoaiioao4 abovo* aacS
1 m wiUiae U m % gr.Boeioo ftad BtSitdf foiiow Hitior »al Mustolini*
if tho Ooagrooo will ^uot folio* our ooa g m t otttoMNa.
M o a th»t our ^ovoraaoat vita
(^old) «a£i
Ouo oilvor* ftad oaly about
aoaojr of all kind* in oiroolatioa auot «** tbo bcni«Kor» of tao ^ito<l sift too for tfv* uao of tho publio
orodit iofti>»olttt«lyriaiculoua,
mtoovkx aot bo toloratod. M t a suoh
a groat «aerg«ncy
oaifttft «i pro»oat I iaa#iiio that j«ff«r»oa, jfto*#Qa,
Lincola* bi«vo toraod ovor la to#ir §ravoo oovorai tiaoo tho paot fo«
aoatba, if taooo *ao bavo paaaod ovor tba rlvo# oro ooaeoraod for tho
volfaro of thooo loft banlad.
For tho boaofit of m . m
tho son Yor* Editor* i a 111 aay that
ar.PfctwMi la •baolatalar corroot la tr^ia| to ^ t b a
eleis* ito ova aovoratiaftiitiiorlty*ftoala baoJiod by auob oalaoat atotoammu aa jofioraoa, ^Uiaoa, Fraaialu, jaoMioa, wobator, ualhoua, Lincoln,
aad Bryaa,
tba &roftt aoloatlat T^ouaa A.j^llaoa* A&eric«aat aad Dlara*
oil, Slfto^aioao, and oladatoaa, of saglaad, aad a ^roat boat of othor
vraet i«aorloaao. if Mr.ioaloa aad tiio no* iCorb Editor w.nta to liao up
with Hitior aad Maaaoliai jaat lot tlsom a© ao f bat that ahould aot havo
aay of foot oa the coagroaa of tho oaitad stataa that anould raproaoat
poopla of tha
st« toa aad a o t apoolal intaroata*

-g*or more than fifty years i have been a careful student of the science of
money, and more especially the past few months. I have lioked up the tomohlugs of the greatest statesman of tha world on tha science of money. Including Franklin, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, Jackson,
Webster, Calhoun, Lincoln, judge Joel Tiffany, Alexander del Mar, Sharman,
Wilson, and we all know what Bryan stood fo? and Edison, of America, and
Disraeli, Biaokstone, and Gladstone, of England. Mr.Gladstone saye that he
tried on four occasions to get parliament to gradually retire the notes of
the hank of England from circulation, and substitute government currency.
John C .Calhoun, Thomas A.Edison, and Judge Joel Tiffany have made a» good
arguments in favor of government control of money as I have ever read, in
all my more than fifty years of investigation, there is simply is no answer to their arguments, nr.oalh.un made an address on money in the senate
September 2$, 1837, also on December 18,1337, and is simply unanswerable,
it would be well to look both addresses up if you have not alreai y done so,
not only Mr .Calhoun but all the above named great statesmen are in lino
with Mr«Patman*s views on money, except Alexander Hamilton, the wall Street
banker, and Wall Street lawyer, with offooo at 57 wall street, in 178S when
he helped to organise the Back of how York.
'?he great tragedy is that the c o n g r e s s of the United states has followed
the teaohlng of Alexander Hamilton on money and banking instead of all the
other great statesmen above mentioned. Mr.Hamilton, as the first Secretary
of the treasury, in December 1790 proposed and had congress to establish
the United States Bank to be under private and not a publiv direction- under the guidance of individual interest, not of public policy. Hi* proposal was bitterly opposed by both Jefferson and Madison, but unfortunately
several Congressmen owned stock in the bank and it was established, but
wh&t Jackson had to say in his veto of its reeharter in 1832 should be
known of all men, for what he said was a plenty.
On December 15,1931, the late HOn.LOuls T.llicpadden, made an address- in congress charging that during the twelve years since the world war, that the
Federal Reserve Board, and the Wall Street Bankers, had loaned to Germany
#30,000,000,000 (billions) in addition to the German be, ds that had been
sold In this country. That Germany had loaned part ©f the money to Russia,
and that Russia had built munition plants, that Germany had 9000 officers
in Russia training soldiers. The great war now raging indicates that the
charge of Kr.MePaciden sustjiave been correct. If so, the Federal Reserve
Board and the Wall Street Bankers have committed a great crime, not only
against the people of theftnitedstates but of all the world, This is sufficient evidence that M!».?atman*s proposal for the government to take over
the Federal Reserve system is absolutely imperative. *©r the Federal Reserve Board, and the Wall Street bankers to use the credit of the United
States to finance a militaristic country like Germany is unthinkable and
one of the greatest crimes of all ages. The charge of ir.McFadden should
be thoroughly investigated.

I have compiled the teachings of all the above named statesmen and many
others en money, and I am sure if followed by 0©ngress there would be no
need to further burden the people with taxes, nor bond issues, but issue
and properly regulate the value of money and control prices and prosperity will prevail, and all owners of government securities can be taken
care of without loss to them, and to the benefit of all.
Copy to Mr .Socles, the
Hew York Editor, and to Mr.Pataan.