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Sana©! Carpenter,
Soeret&ry if th« Eo&rd of Governors

Pl«aa« notify th« Board of Govsr-.ore tb*t I Mill
b« unable to fcttand any of the activities at fchite Sulphur
Springs, by doctor's ©rdsrs.
I xtts&-9T9t*i\<& thf.t the Board, in my •frMM«f docid«<i to bold A ^APting of the Board at lOtOO A«M« Sbtiircc
aornin|r# Hey 29» 19A8, «t Vhit« Solpfenr Springs, tc *.ct on
th« oueftioc of raisins W i l t w uinRMoie l» W«»w Tork:
*nd Chlcftfo. I ftlso xm^erstand thct ott» r*a«oa given for
th« urgeTjcy of hold ing • BM4Aa| at Vhitc Sulphur
to act on thlr laportant cm*stion9 pj»»lbly in ay
was the probcbillty that th«r«» would not I* ei quorwa of the
Board avelie.ble in Va«hington next v«*k va^n I expect to
not uoctorstand thin position* Th« a«9ib*rs
of th« Bo^rd rmst re»li«» that they haw a collsctlve responfflbillty to o«« to i t thr-t a ^torwR i s at a l l tlm«s
pr«£«rt nnd available in V&^ingtsn* X re©i>«cti'ully rociuost9
th«r«rfore, that th« Bo*rd d*fer ectioa on the question of
r*««rre roculrwstMits in | W York cmi Chtoago until aj- return
to Vishingtoit n*?5ct v»«k end thrt £ftir consultation j^-ong
th«y ««• to i t th»t a Quorum will be ,>>r«s«nt«


Personal and Confidential

White. Sulphur Springs,
West Virginia.
» y 36, 1948.

Mr, Thomas B. McCabe. Chairman,
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System,
607 North Chester Road.
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
Dear Mr. Chair mans
At the meeting of the Board of Governors at White
Sulphur Springs on May 29, 194-8, at 10:00 a.m., which was
called in accordance with the decision reached at the meeting of the Board on May 27, your letter of May 28 was read.
The members of the Board present unanimously felt that, if
that letter was to be made a part of the Board's official
records, a statement in reply should also be placed in the
record. It was agreed that a draft of a reply should be
prepared for consideration at a meeting of the Board to be
held the following morning, May 30, 19*8, at 9*30 a.m. At
that meeting the statement was approved unanimously in the
following form with the request that it be sent to you by
special delivery mall. A copy of a telegram sent you today
at the request of the Board is also enclosed.
After reading and discussing the Chairman's letter of
May 28, the six members of the Board present at the meetings
on May 29 and 30 felt that the Chairman had not understood
the reasons for the action of the Board on May 27 in calling
a meeting at White Sulphur Springs on May 29. The letter
carries an Incorrect implication that the meeting was being
held in order to take action whin the Chairman could not be
present. The facts which led up to the meeting were substantially as follows:
On several occasions, beginning on March 30, 1948, the
Board has given consideration to the question whether reserve
requirements of member banks in central reserve cities should
be increased. At the March 30 meeting, it was agreed that
the aatter should be considered again shortly after the middle of April, with • view to determining whether the situation
at that time made an increase In reserve requirements desirable.

Ifr. McCabe • t •
At the meeting on April 23. 19*8, the Board voted to consider
the natter again at a meeting on May 4. Because of the unavailability of members of the Board, the meeting was not hold until
May 14, at which time Chairman MoCabe stated that he felt the
question of an Increase in reserve requirements was so important that it would be desirable to have all of the members of
the Board present when It was discussed and that he would also
suggest that further consideration take place after the meeting
of the Federal Open Market Committee the following week. It
was agreed, therefore, that the matter would be placed on the
docket for consideration at a meeting on Tuesday. May 25, 1948.
There was extended discussion at that meeting and it appeared
from such discussion that a majority of the members of the
Board favored the increase. Thereupon Mr. Secies moved that
action be taken by the Board to increase reserve requirements
of central reserve city banks by two percentage points, with
the understanding that the action would be announced immediately to become effective on Friday, June 11, 1948. Chairman
McCabe stated that before action was taken, he would like to
have the latest informational to the reserve position of member banks in New York and Chicago and how the Increase would
affect these banks. After some further discussion, Mr. Eccles
withdrew his motion, with the understanding that there would
be a further discussion of the matter as the first Item for
consideration at a meeting of the Board to be held on May 26,
1948, at 10:00 a.a.
On May 26 the entire morning was given over to a discussion
of the Transamerica situation and a suggestion was made that a
meeting be held in the afternoon. However, since the Chairman
stated that he could not meet in the afternoon because he m s
leaving for Chester, Pennsylvania, to receive an honor being bestowed on him by the Town of Chester, it was therefore agreed
that the question of an increase in reserve requirements wild
be given further consideration at a meeting the next morning
at 10:30 a.m., the Chairman having stated that he would be
back in Washington at that tine. The Chairman became ill on
his way to Chester and was unable to attend the meeting on the
27th, which was held at 11:35 a.». During the discussion at
that meeting, Mr. Eccles stated In substance that, while he
would like to take action as promptly as possible, he would
hesitate to do so In the absence of the Chairman. After some
further discussion, Mr. Vardaman moved that the Board act to
increase reserve requirements of member banks in central reserve
cities by two percentage points, to be effective June 11, 1948,
with the understanding, however, that advice of the action would

Mr. McCabe - 3 be communicated to Chairman McCabe and. if he felt stronglyenough about the matter to ask that action be deferred until
it could be discussed at White Sulphur Springs, the action to
make the increase effective June 11, 19*o, would not take effect.
Later this motion was withdrawn in the light of a suggestion
by Mr. Szymczak that all of the members of the Board would be
at White Sulphur Springs on May 29 and that a meeting be held
at that time to consider the matter. Unanimous approval was
given to a motion by Mr. Clayton that a meeting be called to
convene at White Sulphur Springs on Saturday, May 29, 19*8. at
10:00 a.m., at which a decision would be made to act or not to
act on the increase in reserve requirements effective in June,
that the meeting be held even if Chairman McCabe was not able
to attend, and that Chairman McCabe be advised that the meeting
had been called.
It is clear from the facts set forth above that the Board
has. at least on three occasions, deferred action in deference
to the Chairman, first, at the meeting on May 25, when he expressed a desire to have more information before taking action,
second, on the afternoon of May 26 so that the Chairman could
go to Chester, and, again, on May 27, when action was postponed
for the meeting on May 29 when it was expected he would be present. Therefore, it is also clear that the reason for calling
the meeting on May 29 was not to take advantage of the absence
of the Chairman or to vote on a matter without giving him an
opportunity to be present. The meeting was called for the reasons that (1) It was understood that all of the members of
the Board, Including the Chairman, ould be at White Sulphur
Springs for the Chairmen's Conference and that, after ttet Conference, there would not be another opportunity for all of the
members of the Board to participate in a Board meeting for at
least two months; and (2) several of the members felt that
action to Increase reserve requirements effective during the
early part of June should be taken and they desired to take
that action when all members of the Board could be present.
With respect to the request contained in the last paragraph
of the Chairman's letter that action be deferred on the question
of reserve requirements in New York and Chicago until his return
to Washington next week, the Board requested that the Chairman be
advised by wire that at the meeting of the Board this morning approval was given to the following motion* that the meeting be adjourned and that a meeting of the Board be called to convene in
the Board Room in Washington at 9*30 a.m. daylight saving time on
Tuesday, June 1, 1948, which is the regular meeting day of the Board In

Mr. HcCabe • 4 Washington, for the purpose of acting on the natter under discussion. This motion was adopted in the light of the Chairman's
request and in spite of commitment5 of three members of the
Board to be outside of Washington it that time and also in the
light of the opinion of the members present that if the Board
does not act early next week it will be too late to take sction
to become effective during the early pr-rt of J-ne.
The Chairman's unqualified statement as to the responsibility of the members of the Board for the maintenance of a
quorua at all times in Washington involves a number of important
legal and other questions which should be considered by tre entire Board when there is adequate opportunity to do so.
Very truly yours f


Enclosure 1.

S R C jcb

S. H. Carpenter,











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