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December 15, 19'4

J&r. tioy A. Young, Gover or,
Federal reserve Bank of Boston,
Boston, Massachusetts.
Dear Governor Young t
liith further reference to your s-ggestion, re­
garding the rounc table talk at an informal luncheon
of Boston bankers on February 16th, the day I exp ct
to 'ce in Boston to address the Commercial Club of Bos­
ton The Merchants Club, at the tine &r. Creighton called
and extended mo an invitation to speak before the Chamber
of Commerce on February 15th, 1 did not cno« that a great
many of that group of men would be in attencance at the
evening dinner. lr. fcadsworth of the Boston Chamber of
Commerce has just written me advising me of this fact,
anc I agree vith him that it »ould not be advisable for
me to appeur before the Chamber of Commerce at that time.
I am giving you this information in case you
desire to do anything further in connection mith the
round table talk.

Sincerely yours,

M. S. Eccles,




R O Y A .Y O U N G

December 27, 19S4

Hon. Marriner S. Eccles
federal Reserve Board
Washington, D. C.
Dear Governor Eccles:
This will acknowledge receipt of your letter
of December 15 and I am inclined to agree with Mr. Wadsworth
that, to a large extent, there would be a duplication of
audience if you spoke to the Chamber of Commerce on February
15 and the Commercial Club of Boston on February 16.
Under these circumstances, Mr. Curtiss and I
will make arrangements to have a small informal luncheon on
February 16 with the prominent bankers of BostorMSrefcent.
to be

With best wishes for the New laar, btfLieve me

R. A. Toimg:
