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d e r a l


G e n e r a l


e s e r v e




n k


C o u n s e l

17 February 1950.

Dear Mr. Eccles,
We are delimited with your letter of February
6, giving ua the date of your arrival in Atlanta. I will meet
you at the airport and take you to the Biltmore Hotel, where a
reservation has been made for you.
Our Directors * meeting and luncheon here at the
Bank should be over approximately by 2:00 p.m.
Bie golf courses
here are in excellent condition and Lewis Clark would like to
arrange a game for you during the afternoon. He says that if you
do not want to bring your clubs, he can get a set for you, but
would advise you to bring your golf shoes.
The Lawyers' Club meeting is 5:30 p.m. and our
experience has been that the meetings are usually over about 7:30
to 8:00. Following this meeting, I would like, if it is agree­
able to you, to invite to my home a representative group of the
members of the Club and their wives to meet you. I also want to
have Dr. Bufus Harris and Malcolm Bryan with us. You gave no
indication in your letter how long you will be able to stay with
us. If you can stay over Saturday or the week-end, we would like
to arrange additional entertainment in your honor.
We would like to run a picture of you in the
Atlanta papers on Sunday preceding your talks here on Friday, and
we would also like to give the subject of your speech to the Law­
yers. As soon as you have decided what your subject will be, I
would appreciate your letting me know.
Please let me know if you wish any reservations
for your return to Washington made at this end of the line. My
delay in answering your letter was caused by my illness with a
severe cold.
With best regards, I am
Very sinc/rely yours,

Mr. M. S. Eccles
Board of Governors of the
Federal Keserve System
Washington, D. C.

Harold T. Patterson
Secretary, Board of Directors.

March 1, 1950.

Mr. Harold T. Patterson,
General Counsel,
Federal iteserve Bank of Atlanta,
Atlanta 3> Georgia.
Dear Mr. Patterson:
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 18
relative to plans which you are making for my coming visit to
I appreciate the desire of Mr. Clark to arrange a
golf game for me in the afternoon, but my time there will be
so short that I Relieve that I would prefer to pass up that
I shall be glad to accept your suggestion "to meet a
representative group oi tne members of the Club and their wives
at your home following the meeting of the Club”. I appreciate
your willingness to arrange entertainment in ray honor should I
be staying over on Saturday. However, as I am planning to leave
on the midnight plane(12:45 a.m.)Friday, or the noon( 12:20 p.m.)
plane on Saturday that will not be necessary.
I note what you say about manning my picture in the
Atlanta papers on the Sunday preceding my appearance on Friday
and publicizing the subject of my address to the lawyers. I am
not preparing a written speech and I expect what I have to say
to be off-the-record. If, under those circumstances you care
to run a picture of me in the Sunday oaper and indicate I am
going to speak on the subject of our international dilemma, I
have no objection to your doing go.
with reference to my return plane reservation, I will
make it before I leave Washington.
With kind personal regards,
Sincerely yours>

M. S. Eccles.
