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January 7, 1959.

Mr. P. £• Wenall,
3045 Illinois Avenue,
Fresno, California.
Dear Mr. Wenall:
Chairman Eccles requested me to
acknowledge receipt of your postal of December
28th, and in answer to your question as to
private debt, to refer you to the volume, "Debts
and Recovery11, published by the Twentieth Century
Fond, which discusses the figures in detail*
Very truly youre,

Elliott Thurston,
Special Assistant
to the Chairman.


Dear Sir,
12 28 38
Zou recently referred to the fact that the
Twentieth Century Fund admitted that the total'
of a l l domestic debts, "both public and private,
i s no greater today than i t was in 1929 •
What was the private debt' then, and now?
rivate debt can and has been reduced by bank
ailures, bankruptcy and other methods which
wiped out the debts with great losses to persons
who thought they had in their possession value able assets in the form of stocks, bonds and
Is the National Debt to go the way
of private debts eventually? The way i t i s
piling up, i t appears that there i s no concern
about i t s retirement*
Yours truly,
P E Wenall

3045 I l l i n o 1i s Ave
Fresno Cali
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Mr. Martin S* Ecci es,
Federal Reserve Board,
D, C.