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rrency* 2



Ot only to
but also to •

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August 12, 195b
Governor Eccles

Cuban currency

Mr* Coldenweiser

We have examined the revised "Project to Estal ish a Cuban Moneta
Systea and to Stabilise Cuban tourmmf* which was transmitted by Mr. Stunner
Welles, Assistant Secretary of State*
The currency plan proposed for Cuba by Mr* Scnwuist appears to be similar to the plan that has been anopted and Is in operation successfully In
Ireland. A hurried examination does not disclose any dangers In the proposal,
as the plan seems to provide adequate safeguards against over-expansion of
The new currency notes can be issued only through the Currency Coaniasion.
The Cownlssion, itself, can Issue them only in exchange fox (1) Cuban silver
coin or silver certificates outstanding, or (2) United States currency and d«~
posits* The power of the Currency Cora&iasion to issue currency notes in exchange for Cuban silver coin and silver certificates is not explicitly stated,
thous^i it is clearly implied in Article 2 which deals with legal tender.
Nothing is said about this power In Article 4 which deals with tne powers and
duties of the Coamiasion. Article 4 covers only the poner to exchange curr
notes for Aaerican funds and to withdrawftrosjcirculation currency notes received in the process of exchange. It would seem aovisable either bo state
specifically In Article <
the Currency Com iasion Is empowered to issue
currency notes In I
iff for Cuban silver pesos or silver certificates, or
better yet to bring together in Artielt 4, which io headed "Powers and
of the Coaraiasion,11 all the major powers of tne Cornraission*
Article 5, which deals with required reserves, and Article J, wi.
with the disposition off surplus reserves^ appeal, when c
^e perhaps unnecessarily complicated. Different sets of figures are
which do not re
ovetail, and it is dii
to ge* II I full bearing of
provisions without rather close studyj but it m»j be that this l» the best
way to deal with a somewhat complicated situation.






August 20, 1935

In reply refer to
My dear Mr. Eccles:

In the absence of Mr. Welles, who has left for
Europe on a long deferred vacation, I wish to acknowledge
your letter enclosing a copy of Mr. Goldenweiser1s memorandum commenting on the project to establish a new
Cuban monetary system.

I have forwarded a copy of

Mr. Groldenweiser1 s memorandum to Mr. Schwulst of the

1 -.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation, who drew up the
project under consideration.

I believe that Mr. Welles

stated in a previous letter that Mr. Schwulst has now
returned from Cuba and would be pleased to confer with
officers of the Federal Reserve Board concerning the
Sincerely yours,

The Honorable

Marriner S. Eccles,
Governor of the Federal Reserve Board,
Washington, D. C.
