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February 5, 1951

Dear Mr, Eccles;
I am writing, as one American citizen, to congratulate you
on the forthright public position you are taking on the
question of maintaining low interest rates on Government
securities through the operations of the Open Market
In the spring of 1946 I had the pleasure of a brief talk
with you in connection with an article I was then writing
for Fortune magazine, subsequently published under the title
U.S.. Debt 1946. I was impressed .at that time by your
ability and courage as a public servant. I am now impressed
X have written a letter to the President on this subject,
and I earnestly hope that many other laymen are doing likewise. In my letter to the President I have written:
"To maintain low interest rates on Government securities
at the price of accepting further inflation is a very big
and dangerous mistake. I appreciate your solicitude for
the confidence of the people in the Government's credit.
Nevertheless, control of inflation is more important for all
of us than low interest rates and stable markets for Government bonds. The people will understand this if it is
clearly and simply explained to them. One mistake the
National Administration has repeatedly made in our generation,
both before your terms as President and during, is to
underestimate the intelligence of the p e o p l e . P l e a s e
heed the warnings of the men who have served us so ably as
members of the Federal Reserve ^oard and consider very
Very sincerely yours,

Mr* Marriner S. Bccles
Federal Heserve 3 0 ard
Washington, D. C

February 23, 1951

Mr* Paysontf.Loomis,
235 East 22nd Street,
New York 10, New York*
Dear Mr. Loomis:
1 want to thank you for your letter of February
5 and for your expression of confidence in my views on current
monetary policies. I fully agree with you that further inflation would be far more disastrous than flexible interest
rates and Government security prices could possibly be*
In-regard to the statement in your letter to the
President 'that the intelligence of the people should not be
underestimated, you may be interested to know that a large
number of everyday citizens - housewives, wage earners,
retired people - have written to me recently and their letters Consistently indicate a clear realization that there
is a direct connection between "cheap money" and the inflation which has made most of them its helpless victims.
While they may not be awars of such technical matters as
how our fractional reserve system intensifies the problem,
they do understand that rigid support of the Government
securities market has resulted in unhealthy credit expansion,
that this expansion of the money supply has seriously reduced
the value of the dollar, and, especially, that preserving
our way of life includes defending the dollar.
Thank you again for your thoughtfulness in writing
me. I remember our talk of several years ago and enjoyed
reading your Fortune article.

Very truly yours,

M. S. Eccles