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Sank nf ffianaiia

March 9th, 1945
Dear Mr. Eccles,
I am attaching hereto copy of
a letter of introduction which I have
given to Mr. J. E. Coyne, Executive Assistant to the Governors, and Mr, J. R.
Beattie, Chief of the Research Department
of the Bank of Canada, who expect to visit
Washington together about March 26th.
They will, I hope, be seeing Dr. Goldenweiser and others in your organization,
but I would appreciate it if you found it
possible to see them as well.
I am leaving to-day on the start
of my next Victory Loan travels. After
that event is over, I hope to be able to
visit Washington and New York - in the
latter half of May - and that I shall have
the pleasure of seeing you at that time.
With best regards, I am,
Yours sin/e^ely, / I

The Hon. Marriner S. Eccles,
Chairman of the Board of Governors,
Federal Reserve System,


March 9th, 1945

Dear Mr. Eccles,
This letter will serve to
introduce Mr. J. E, Coyne, Executive
Assistant to the Governors, and Mr.
J. R. Beattie, Chief of the Research
Department of the Bank ox Canada,
about whom I have written you in
another letter of to-day's date.
Yours sincerely,

The .Hon. Harririer S. Eccles,
Chairman of the Board of Governors,
Federal Reserve System,

My dear Governor Towers:
This is to acknowledge your letter of March 9
enclosing the one introducing Mr. Coyne, Sxeoutive Assistant to the Governors, and lfr« Beattie, Chief of the
Research Department of the Bask of Canada*
According to sgr present prograxt, I shall be
out of town, leaving on the twenty-fourth, but Vioe
Chairman B&nsom and Mr* Thurston, Assistant to the Chairnan, will be very pleased to see Mr* Coyne and Mr.
Beattie and to arrange for this* to see Dr* Qoldenweiesr
and others in our organisation* 1 am »ortj that I shall
not be on hand when they aro visiting us.
I shall look forward with pleasure to seeing
you when you come here next on your travels, as I
probably will have returned by then.
With kind personal
Sincerely yours.

Honorable G* ?• Towers,
Bank of Canada,