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4.550 Connecticut Ave
Washington, D.C.

Mr. Marriner S, Eccles
Governor, Federal Reserve Board
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr. Eccles:
High public officials are too freguently criticized without
justification and too seldom praised and recognized for the good that
they do.
After reading in this morning's paper your reply to Senator
Byrd, I am urged to express my appreciation of your courage, ability
and sound logic in matters relating to our economic problems. And by so
doing, I know that I will be expressing the appreciation of millions
of others in all walks of life who will not take the trouble to write
Your remarks were clear, concise, and to me, very understandable.
Without having followed your course of action during recent years, it
is questionable in what position our country may be in today. Without
following a similar course it is questionable in what position we may
find ourselves later* But by following your well thought out plans for
the future, I feel certain that everybody, rich and poor alike, will
be benefited.
In recognition and appreciation of your sound views and
decided actions in the development of economic and political stability,
please accept my thanks and best wishes.

lours very truly,

George A. Bremer


December 30, 1938

Mr. George A. Bremer
4550 Connecticut avenue
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr. Bremer:
Mr. Eccles has asked me to acknowledge and thank you for your recent
letter in which you commend him for his
letter to Senator Byrd regarding the latter1 s speech at Boston on December 10,
Yours sincerely,

Lawrence Clayton
assistant to the Chairman
