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THE PLAZA BANK T W E L V E THIRTY SAINT OF OLIVE LOUIS LOUIS F. R . V O N W I N D E G G E R PRESIDENT ST. STREET ^ -, , • March 12, 1946 Dear Mr. Eccles: lour statement before the Banking and Currency Committee of the Senate on the British loan is the best reason for approving it that I have as yet read* I hope that the Congress will have sense enough to agree to it, but I am not sanguine enough to expect anything good out of Congress — Hon* M. S. Eccles, Chairman Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Washington* D. C. March 18, 1946. Dear Mr. von Windegger: Let me thank you for your letter of March 12 and your comment on my statement in regard to the British loan. Your reference to a certain appointment naturally disturbs me very much because I have a high opinion of your judgment, iae you know, and if reasons exist for rejection of this appointment it would be a surprise to me. My favorable opinion is based on statements of reliable friends .in whose judgment I have every confidence. Sincerely yours, M. S. Eccles, Chairman. Mr. F. it. von Mndegger, President, The Plaza Bank of St# Louis, 1230 Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri. ET:b