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August 8, 1935

In reply refer t o
LA 837.516/295

My dear Mr. Eccles:
With reference to my l e t t e r of August 2 , 1935,
enclosing a copy of a "Project to Establish a Cuban
Monetary System and to S t a b i l i z e Cuban Currency11, I
attach hereto a copy of a revised draft of this
project as made by Mr. Schwul
Sincerely you
For t i e Secretary of State:

Revised draft of
project, as stated*

Assistant Secretary*

Mr. Marriner S. Eccles,

Governor, Federal Reserve Board,
Washington, D. C.

a OPT
Enclosure to Deepatoh Mo. 3743 of August 2, 1935,
frosi the Embassy at Habana

Unit 2i Monetary Value: On and after the effect Ire date

of this Act, the unit of Monetary value shall be the peso which
shall be issued by the National Government of the Republic through
the Currency Commission hereinafter provided for. The peso shall
be issued hereafter in the f o m of currency notes and subsidiary
and minor oolns which shall be the full and unrestricted obligations
of the National Government and such notes shall be Issued in the
denominations hereinafter provided for. The peso shall be equal
in value to one dollar in any currency which is legal tender for
public and private debts in the United States of America.
4pRTIGL£ 2. Legal Tender: The currency note, the silver peso and
the silver certificate shall be legal tender for all debts public
and private within the Republic

The silver peso and the silver

certificate shall be retired as rapidly as possible from circulation by being exchanged, peso for peso, for currency notes* When
so ordered by the Currency Commission, but not before, any part or
all of suoh silver pesos and silver certificates, shall, upon reoelpt by the National Treasury, be exchanged for currency notes and
retired from circulation. All Government officials and all banks
operating in the Republic are hereby directed, when so ordered by
the Currency Commission, to turn into the National Treasury for
exchange into currency notes, peso for peso, any part or all of
suoh silver pesos and silver certificates which they may hold or
reoeive in the course of business.
All gold and all United States currency and United 3tates
oolns in the National, Provincial and Municipal treasuries shall,
within thirty days after the effective date of thle Act, be turned


into the Ourrenoy Commission and exchanged, dollar for peso, for
ourrenoy notes, m o gold to aoqulred shall bo valued In tho
exchange for currency notes in aooordanoo with Deoreto Ley 410
of August 10, 1934. Tho Currency Commission shall lamediately
add all such gold, United States ourrenoy and United States coins
to tho reserves provided for under Artlole 5 of this Act.
Cuban subsidiary oolns of forty oentavos shall bo logal
tender in amounts not exoeedlng twenty pesos. Cuban subsidiary
oolns of twenty oentavos and ton oentavos shall bo logal tendor
in amounts not exceeding ton pesos. Cuban minor oolns of nickel
shall be legal tender in amounts not exoeedlng two pesos.
On and after the effective date of this Act, no ourrenoy or ooln
other than that made legal tender by the provisions of this
Artiole shall be legal tender within the Republic, provided,
however, that oontracts spoolfloally calling for payment in United
States ourrenoy or other foreign ourrenoy shall not be affected by
this Act, although the settlement of such contracts in suoh currencies shall not give to suoh currencies the quality of legal
tender with respect to any other contracts or transactions, nor
shall it give to suoh currencies the privilege of circulating as
money within the Republic.
On and after the effeetlve date of this Aot no money or
currency, other than that made legal tender by the provisions of
this Aot, shall be reoelved In settlement of customs duties or
any other dues, taxes and payments due to the National, Provincial or Municipal Governments, provided, however, that the Currenoy Commission may, in its discretion, authorise the acceptance
of United States currency In all suoh settlements for a period of
not to exoeed three years after the effective date of this Act and
provided, further, that all suoh United States ourrenoy shall prompt-






ly be turned into the Currency Commission and exchanged for currency notes and suoh United States ourrenoy shall promptly be ad- •J
ded to the ourrenoy reserves as provided in Article 5 of this Aot.
ARTIOH J. foe Currency Commission:

There is hereby created the Cuban

Currency Commission which shall consist of three members. There
shall also be chosen one alternate for eaoh member who shall serve
on the Commission In the absenoe of that member.

The members of

the Commission and the alternates shall be the following1
a)• The Secretary of Finance who shall aot as Chairman
of the Commission. The Secretary of Finanoe shall
ohoose his alternate from among the high officials
of his department and hit alternate thall serve in
his plaoe on the Commission and aot as Chairman
thereof In hit absenoe. The Secretary of Finanoe
and his alternate shall reoelve no compensation for
suoh service.
b ) . The representative in the Republlo of the banking institution in the United States of America, which It the
principal custodian of the ourrenoy reserves deposited
In the United Statet of Amerloa. In aocordanoe with
the provisions of this Act. This representative thall
choose his alternate from among the members of hit
ttaff • The compensation for suoh representative and
his alternate for services on the OosMtlssion shall be
suoh at may be agreed upon between suoh Institution
and the President of the Republlo.
In the event suoh institution dots not content to have
ltt representative serve on the Commission, the President of the Republlo shall appoint the member and hit
alternate from a list of six names submitted by the
Cuban Chamber of Corneroe. The compensation of suoh
member and hit alternate shall be fixed by the President of the Republlo, but shall net exoeed $5,000 per
auras] for the member sad $2,400 per annum for the alternate.
o) • A member and his alternate appointed by the President
of the Republlo from a list of six names submitted by
the Havana Clearing House Association.
The compensation of the member and hit alternate thall
be fixed by the President but shall not exceed $5000
per annum for the member and $2,400 per annum for the
Any member of the Commission and any alternate may be re*
moved at any time by the President of the Republic for cause.

» 4•
The nembers of the Commission are hereby authorised to incur
suoh clerioal and other expenses as may be indiepensible for carrying on the operations of the Commission and giving effeot to the
provisions of this Act.

The salaries of the members of the Com-

mission and such expanses as may be incurred shall be paid by the
National Treasury which shall be reimbursed out of any profits
realized from the operations conduoted through the "Sxohange Standard
To defray the organization expenses of the Commission, there
is hereby appropriated out of any unappropriated funds in the National Treasury the sum of $25,000*

This sum may be drawn upon in suoh

manner as may be determined by the Commission.

But all expendi-

tures from this appropriation shall be reimbursed to the Treasury
out of any profits resulting from operations through the "Exchange
Standard >\mdH •
The members of the Commission and their alternates shall
be bonded for such an amount and in such manner as the President
of the Republic ?h&ll deem necessary.

The Commission shall de-

termine *hioh of ite errployees shall be bonded &nd shall fix the
amounts of their bonds.
*ft*iiL* £.

Powers and Duties of the Commission:

For the purpose of

maintaining the parity of the peso with the legal tender currency
of the United States of Anericn, and of keeping the currency equal
in volume only to the demands of trade, the Commission is hereby
authorised and dlreoted:

a)• On demand, at the offioe of the Commission in Havana,
to sell for currency notes offered in suas of not less
than five thousand pesos, or currency Issued by and/or
under the authority of the United States of America,
offered in sums of not less than five thousand dollars, exchanp^! for equivalent amounts on the "Exchange Standard »*und" deposited in the United States
of America, charging for the same such a premium as
may from time to time be determined by the Commission, provided, however, that such premium shall not
exoeed the cost of physically transporting the equivalent in United States currency to the Custodian
3ank in the United states of America, plus insurance

- 5 and IO00 of intereot during the period of transport!
tion; and the Commission is further authorized and
directed to instruct any depositories of the current
reserve funds in the United States of America to sell
for United States currency on demand exohange In 01
of not less than five thousand pesos against the HSx«
change Standard Fund" in the Republic of Cuba, charging for the same such a premium as way from time to
time be determined by the Commission (rendering accounts therefor to the Commission), provided, however, that such premium shall not exceed the cost
of physically transporting the equivalent in Cuban
currency from the Custodian Bank in the United Statei
Of America to Havana, plus insurance and loss of In-,
terest during the period of transportation. 411
such dealings in exchange shall constitute operations
through the M Exchange standard Fund" hereinafter provided for.
b)• To exohange at par currency issued by and/or under
the authority of the TTnlted States o-" 1 erloa for
currency notes, and to exchange at par currency notes
for currency issued by and/or under the authority of
the United States of America.
c). To withdraw from circulation currency notes received
by the Commission in Havana in the manner provided
In paragraphs (a) and (b) of this article, until
said currency notes are paid out in response to the
demands upon it by the sale ofAexcbange in the United
States of America as provided in paragraph (a) of
this Article or until said currency notes are needed
for the purpose of effecting exctmmret of said currency notes for currency issued by and/or under the
authority of the United 3tates of ivnerica as provided by paragraph (b) of this Article.
d) • To withdraw from circulation currency Issued by and/
or under the authority of the United States of America
received in the Republic of Cuba by the Commission in
exchange for currency notes or for exchange sold on
the "Exchange Standard Fund" in the United States of
America under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Article.
Currency Issued by and/or under the authority of the
United States of America 00 obtained shall become part
of the HExchange Standard Fund" nnd shall be added to
the currency reserves as provided in Article 5 of
this Act.
"Sxchance Standard Fund": How Constituted;

There is

hereby established in the National Treasury a separate and trust
fund to be designated as the ^Sxch^m:^ Standard "Mndn, which shall
at all times include United

tatea currency, an«i/or United vtates

dollar deposits, in sums not Ie3e than the percentages hereinbelow stipulated of currency notes anrt/or subsidiary and tinor
coins in circulation and available for circulation.

The stock

of unissued or redeemed currency notes and/or subsidiary and minor

coins shkll not be considered as money in circulation or available

-6for circulation, and such unissued and redeemed ourrenoy notes
and/or subsidiary and minor ooins shall be physically held by
the Commission until suoh time as they may be paid out and be*
oose circulating ourrenoy notes and/or subsidiary and minor ooins
under the provisions of this Act.
The percentages of circulating ourrenoy notes and/or subsidiary and minor ooins to be maintained at all times in United
States ourrenoy or United States dollar deposits shall never be
less than the following:
Amount of Currency Notes and/or

Minimum Reserve to be Main-

Subsidiary and Minor Coins in

tained in United States

Circulation or Available for

Currency and/or United


States Dollar Deposits.

• 0 to and including 135,000,000.

15 i

From *25,000,001 to and including

30 i

From 150,000.001 to and inoluding

45 i

For every peso increase in circulation above 575.OOO.OOO, there
shall be one dollar of reserve represented by United States ourrenoy or United States dollar deposits.
If at any time and for any reason said United States ourrenoy and dollar deposits shall fall below the minimum peroentages
hereinabove established, the deficiency shall be made up by the
lational Treasury out of any funds then in or available to the National Treasury or thereafter paid into or made available to the la
tional Treasury, provided only that suoh funds are not specifically
appropriated to meet the payment of the principal, sinking fund or
interest of the public debt, and suoh an amount as may be necessary
to make up any suoh deficiency shall be oonsidered as automatically
appropriated for this purpose, and the Secretary of Finance aad any

-7and all other Government official* concerned are hereby authorized
and directed to transfer the necessary amount to the "Exchange
Standard fund" in United States currency or United States dollar
depoelte to melee good euoh deficiency therein.
In determining the above percentages, the proceeds of outstanding certificates of Indebtedness (hereinafter provided for)
shall be deduoted from the amount of euoh United states currenoy
and United States dollar deposits*
To the "Exchange Standard Fund" there shall be added from
time to time the following:

All profits of seignorage made in the purchase of bullion and the oolnage therefrom of coins: and all pro*
fits from the issue of subsidiary and minor oolns;
and all profits whioh may be derived frora the recoinage from time to time of ooins circulating in the


All profits from the sale of exchange by the Commission between the Republic and the United States of
America for the purpose of maintaining the parity
of the peso.


All premiums arising from the sale of telegraphic
transfers and demand drafts by the Commission in
Havana upon Provincial Treasurers as hereinafter
All interest or other profits from deposits made
from the "Exchange Standard Fund" In accordance with
this Act.
All other receipts derived by the Commission from the
exercise of the functions of furnishing a currency to
the Republic.




Expenses to be Defrayed from the "Exchange Standard Fund1*;

The "Exchange Standard fund" shall not be ueed to pay any of the
expenses of the lational, Provincial or Municipal Governments or
any Governmental agency in the Republic or to satisfy any of the
appropriations of said Governments or agenoles except only such
expenses as follow:

Those connected with the purchase of bullion or metal

to be used for ooinage and the coinage of the ease
into money of the Republic and euoh expenses ae nay
be incidental to tuoh ooinage.

Those oonnected with the putting; of money into circulation including the preparation, issue and destruction of currency notes or other Cuban currency.


Thoee oonnected with the carrying on of suoh transactionsf by exchange or otherwise, as may be authorized
by law to maintain the circulation of the currency o*
the Republic, to maintain the parity of the peso with
the legal tender currency of the United 3tates of Am<
rida, and to maintain the parity of value between
the peso and subsidiary and minor coins.


Those oonnected with the general expenses of the

ARTICLE 7. How the -Exchange Standard yund" is to be heldt

The "fcr-

change Standard Fund* shall be held in especially designated
vaults of the lational Treasury in Havana and ouch Fund may be
held, in whole or in part, in the form of deposits payable in
United States currency with any Federal Reserve Bank in the United
States of America or with such member banks of such federal Reserve
Banks in the United States of America as may be designated from
time to time by the Commission, provided, however, that no portion of the Fund shall ever be deposited in any bank incorporated
under the laws of the Republic of Cuba, or the principal business
of which is done in the Republic of Cuba, and orovided that not
more than twenty percent of the Fund shall be deposited with any
single depository except the depository in whioh the Commission
keeps ite leposits in current account in connection with ite
exchange operations.

Suon deposits in current account shall not

be considered in determining the twenty percent limitation.
8uoh portion of the Fund as is held in the Rational Treasury
in Havana shall be physically segregated in especially designated
vaults of the National Treasury and shall be kept separate and
detached in every respect from all other funds of the lational
Treasury, and shall be under the Joint and exclusive custody of
the three members of the Commission.

lo funds may h# withdrawn from

the "Exchange Standard Fund" in the Rational Treasury except upon

-9written order signed by at least two members of the Commission.
Ho checks or other orders for payment upon the deposits of
the "Exchange Standard Fund" in the depositories in the United
States of America shall be valid unless signed by two members of
the Commission.
The Commission shall establish suoh a system of accounting
as will enable the members of the Commission to know at all times
the condition of the "Exchange Standard Fund", and the Commission
shall establish an adequate continuous control of the accounts
and operations of the Fund through the installation of a modern
auditing system or otherwise, so as to enable the Commission to
discharge its responsibilities under the provisions of this Act.
••TIGH 8.

Sufficiency of the "Exchange Standard Fund*:

If at any

time and for any reason it should become apparent that the
amount of the "Exchange Standard Fund" is not sufficient to
maintain the parity of the peso, the President of the Republic
may, and he is hereby authorised to, issue and sell certificates
of Indebtedness in an amount whioh, when the proceeds of the
sale are added to the Fund, will be adequate to maintain the
parity of the peso.

Such certificates of Indebtedness shall be

the full and unrestricted obligations of the Republic of Cuba,
exempt both as to prinolpal and interest from all taxes now or
hereinafter Imposed by the National, Provincial and Municipal

As the public Interest permits, and always pro-

vided that the Fund may not be reduced below the amounts
stipulated in Article 5 of this Aot, the Commission may, upon
the request of the President of the Republic, dlreot the payment
from the Fund of prinolpal and/or interest of all or any part
of the certificates of Indebtedness at any time outstanding.

Surplus Accumulations in the Fund;

The "Exchange Standard

Fund" shall be lnoreased through the additions provided for In

-10Article! 5, 14, and 17 of this Aot until the amount of the Fund
represented by United States ourrenoy and United States dollar
deposits i s equal to forty-fire peroent of all ourrenoy notes
and/or subsidiary and Minor ooins in circulation and available
for circulation up to and including $37,000,000, and fifty-fire
peroent of a l l ourrenoy notes and/or subsidiary and ainor oolns
in circulation and available for circulation when the aggregate
of euoh ourrenoy notes and/or subsidiary and Minor ooins in circulation and available for circulation amounts to gore th/Sn
$37,000,000 but not more than $75,000,000.

Such United States

ourrenoy and United States dollar deposits shall be lnoreased by
one dollar for eaoh lnereass ef one peso in ourrenoy notee and/or
ibsidiary and Minor oolns in circulation and available for circulation in excess of $75,000,000.

Any surplus which may exist

or may accumulate in the Pund in excess of the amounts stipulated
in this Article, May be transferred in whole or in part to the
general fund of the national Treasury upon the recommendation of
the Currency Commission and the approval of the President of the
Republic, provided, however, that no such existing or accumulated
surplus May be so transferred while the aggregate amount of
ourrenoy notes and/or subsidiary and Minor oolns in circulation
or available for circulation i s l e s s than 117.000.000,

When the

aggregate amount of ourrenoy notes and/or subsidiary and minor
coins in circulation or available for circulation i s 117.000.000
or more, any surplus existing in such "Exchange Standard fund"
may be transferred, in whole or in part, to the general funds of
the Treasury in accordance with the following stipulations:

If the aggregate amount of sueh ourrenoy notee and/or
subsidiary and Minor oolns in circulation or available
for circulation, i s $17,000,000 or more, but not More
than $37,000,000, then an amount not to exoeed
$2,500,000 May be transferred from any such surplus.


If the aggregate amount of such ourrenoy notes and/or
subsidiary and Minor coins in circulation or available
for circulation i s $37,000,001 or more, but not more
than $57,000,000, then an additional $2,500,000 may

be 80 transforrtA from anv •nwh ininiMi



If the aggregate amount of such currency notes and/or
tubeidiary and Minor oolne la circulation or available
for circulation i s $57*000,001 or aero, but not more
than $75,000,000, then euoh an additional amount nay
be transferred ae will leave the aggregate amount of
suoh United Statee currency and United States dollar
deposite not l e s s than fifty-five percent of the aggregate of such currency notes and/or subsidiary and
•inor coins in circulation and available for circulation.
In calculating the foregoing amounts and percentage*, the


prooeeds of the sale of outstanding certificates of Indebtedness
shall not be included as a part of the rund, and no surplus shall be
so transferred while any certificates of indebtedness are outstanding.
ART I OH 1&.

Accounts and Records o£ £&& "Exohange Standard Fund":


accounts and records of tht "Exchange Standard Fund11 shall be kept
as will show at a l l times, among other things, the following;
a). Unissued
eno Notes. These notes shall Include
new notes which have never been Issued and notes which
have been Issued but which have been redeemed. Such
notes shall not be considered a part of the money in
circulation or available for circulation mm til such
time as they may be paid out in connection with the
transactions contemplated in Article 4 paragraphs (a)
and (b), provided, however, that such notes may be
used in making exchanges, pesos for peso, of notes fit
for circulation for notes which, because of their
soiled, worn or torn condition, are no longer fit for
circulation. Suoh notes unfit for circulation shall
be treated for accounting purposes exactly as though
they were unissued or redeemed notes, until suoh time
as they are destroyed in accordance with rules and regulations to be approved by the Commission,


lnor Joint. These coins shall
b)* Unissued Subsidiary
Include new coins whici ave never been Issued and also
coins which have been Issued but which have been re*
deemed, Suoh coins shall not be considered a part of the
money in circulation or available for circulation until
suoh time as they may be paid out In connection with
the transactions contemplated in Article 4 paragraphs
(a) and (b) provided, however, such coins may be used
in making exchanges for currency notes and other coins
where suoh exchanges are required for the convenience
of trade and commerce. The notes and coins received
as a result of such exchanges shall be treated as
unissued or redeemed notes and coins.


P? y S &1 United states 2S
2S Hand, All such
d f
i l
shall be

accounted for in a special aooount in
h ""Exchange Standard Fund" and shall be included as
a part of the reserves provided for in Artlole 5 of
this Act,


aocount in the *Sxchange Standard Fund" and shall be in*
eluded aa a part of the reserves provided for in Artlolr
5 of thia Act,
• Other funds on Hand,
. yulllon on Bajffl t*$ Coinage Purposes.
g ) . Profit a
change 31

Losses floa the Operations of the JJ


ift a n d K*<»*<1« &£ M l M Meoeiaarv j&
DetaTl tSeAaaata, Llabilltlea and

Denominations of and Regulations Regarding Ourrsncv notsat

The Commission ehall cause adequate auppliee of currency notes t s be
engraved and printed by houaea or establishments expert in doing
auoh work.

The Commission i s hereby authorised to cause to be

engraved and printed currenoy notes in any or a l l of the following
denominationai one peso, five pesos, ten peaoa, twenty pesoat
fifty pesos t one hundred peeoe9 five hundred pesoa9 one thousand
pesos and five thousand pesos.

All dies and plate a shall be safe-

guarded and kept with the same degree of control and caution as
unissued ourrenoy notes*
The Commission shall issue such regulations aa i t may con*
aider necessary with respect to the manner of engraving, printing,
handling and accounting for ourrenoy notea.

The currency notea shall

contain a legend to the effect that they are the full and unrestricted obligations of the Republic of 0uba9 that upon demand they will
be redeemed in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of this
Act, and that the holders of such notes have a firat and paramount
l i s a upon a l l the assets in the "Exchange Standard Fund",
IS* auoaidlarv and Minor Coinage i

The subsidiary and minor

ooins in the republic shall be those now provided for by law. On
and after the effective date of this Act the coinage, issuance and
redemption of Cuban subsidiary and minor coins shall be under the

direction and control of the Currency Ooajnisslj


It shall be the duty of the Currency Commission to provide
an adequate supply of subsidiary and minor oolns to meet the needs
of trade and commerce.

On demand, the Currency Commission shall

exchange currency notes for subsidiary and minor ooins when such
coins are presented in amounts of one hundred pesos or multiples
ARTICLE 13, The Reports o£ the Commission:

The Commission shall issue

weekly statements available for publication in the public press,
showing the condition of the •Exchange Standard fund11! and showing
particularly the amount of reserves in United States currency and
United States dollar deposits in comparison with the total amount
of currency notes and/or subsidiary and minor coins in circulation
and available for circulation.
As of June 50th and December 31st of eaoh year, the Commission shall prepare and make available for publication a report to
the President of the Republic in which it shall set forth in detail
the condition of the "Exchange Standard Fund", the operations which
have taken place through the Fund during the preceding six months
and the income, expenses, profits, and losses of the Fund during
that period.

Disposition of Silver pesos Receive^ JLg, the "Exchange standard
All silver certificates received in the "Exchange Standard

Fund" shall be promptly exchanged for silver pesos. All silver pesos in the Fund or received In the Fund shall, in amounts of £100.000,
or multiples thereof, be melted down by the Commission and the bullion sold In the open market.

The proceeds of such sale shall be

deposited with the depositories of the "Exchange Standard Fund" in
the United states of America and shall constitute a part of the
reserves provided for in Article 5 of thl3 Act.


ARTICLE l£ # Sale of Telegraphlo Transfers and Demand Drafts: The

. '

ComnltsIon is authorised to sell telegraphic tranefere and demand
drafte upon Provincial Treasurers, charging such commission therefor as the Commission may determine.
Provincial Treasurers are hereby authorised and directed
to act as agents of the Commission under such terns and conditions

the Commission may determine,


Keserves £f Banks Operating within the Kapubllo;


banks operating within the Republic and receiving deposits within
the Republic shall, beginning with the effective date of thie aeJtg
maintain with respect to all deposits made within or payable within
the Republic a reserve In Cuban currency or ooins by this Act
made legal tender equal to not less than twenty percent of all suoh
deposits payable upon demand or within thirty days and seven percent of all such deposits in savings account and such deposits
payable after thirty days. This reserve shall be maintained in
Cuban currency or coins by this Act made legal tender irrespective of
the currency in which the deposits were made or are payable*


calculating such reserve there shall be deducted from balanoes
due to other banks balances due from other banks in an amount up
to, but not exceeding, such balanoes due to other banks, and
there shall not be included in such deposits balances due to head
offices and branches located outside the republic of Cuba. Not
more than ten percent of the reserve may consist of subsidiary
and minor coins, and not less than two-thirds of such reserve
shall at all time consist of currency notes*
The provisions of this Article shall apply to the Bank
of Cuba, except Insofar as they may be in conflict with the provisions of the Act creating such bank, In which case the provisions

of the latter Aot shall prevail.

-15LRTICLg 17, Penalty Provieion:

Any person guilty of counterfeiting

or participating in the counterfeiting of currency notes, silver
certificates or coins or circulating or aiding in any Banner the
circulation of such counterfeit currency notes silver certificates
or coins shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed 110,000 or by
imprisonment for a tern of not to exceed ten years or by both such
fine and imprisonment In the discretion of the court.
Any person guilty of making or participating in the making
of false entries in any record, book or account of the "Kxohange
Standard Fund", and any person guilty of theft or embesxlement or
participating in the theft or embessleaent of any funds or assets In
the "Exchange Standard Fund", shall be punished by a fine of not to
exceed 10,000 or by imprisonment for a tern of not to exceed ttn
years or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of
the court.
Any person guilty of giving false information or participating in the giving of false information to the publio with respect
to the true condition and operations of the "Cxohange Standard fund*
shall be punished by a fine of not to exoeed $5,000 or by imprison*
ment for a term of not to exoeed fire years or by both such fine
and imprisonment in the discretion of the oourt.
Any bank which does not maintain the reserves against Its
deposit l i a b i l i t i e s as required under the provisions of Article 16
of this 4#%| shall be fined five hundred pesos for each day that
such reserves are deficient.

The Commission i s hereby authorised

to obtain the receeeery reports fro* suoh banks showing their reserve position at the olose of business each day, and the Commission i s hereby authorised and direoted to impose and collect the
fine provided herein for defioient reserves, and the proceeds of
such fines shall be included as a part of the income of the "Exchange Standard Fund**



repeal irovlelon:

nil acts or parts oi* acts in conflict

with the provisions of t h i s Act <*xe hereby declared to be of no
force and effect insofar as the provisions of t h i s Act are concerned*

Jhe rffectlve Date of this Act.

effect on


Thia Act shall take