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D. W O R T H CLARK LU LU COMMITTEE: BANKING AND CURRENCY C o n g r e s s of tfje ® m t e b States of fcepreaentattoe* Bfefjtngton, 23. C. January 7th, 1936 PERSONAL Dear Marriner: I think I have got a dandy candidate for the Banking and Currency Committee and I am doing everything I can to help him. His name is Vincent Harrington and he is a new member from Iowa, taking the place vacated by Guy Gillette when the latter was elected to the Senate, He and his father had a small chain of banks in Iowa with headquarters at Sioux City for some time and they are now engaged in the mortgage loan business in Sioux City. He is a young fellow, 33 years old, and was a college schoolmate of mine. I have seen him several times since and believe him 100$ in every respect. He is vitally interested in banking legislation and tells me that he has been in general accord with all of the New Deal banking program. If you can render him any assistance I am quite sure you won't go wrong. Jv i ,r °V V , V v V I- ^•j-y.j u V /W* yr \ v u ; \ v A Kindest personal regards, I am r Siriperely yours, • v • - J" V SHANK SECRETARY 2O IDAHO D I » -HICT y HONORABLE MARRINER S. ECCLES 1 Dc O Q N I R A nnai*^ Washington, D. C. xm Des* fortes I have jqvt letter of S&mmsf -asA wXih reference to your fans®? present solXeftgttft in Bouse, ringtoiu I jadge t&yt lw m&km & m s t d^ixahle sestbfer the 0assiti«6 jon wag* g m % . & M 1 S&&33, to tk&t X to timt c&us®, from muck $&•» for^A'tioa ss 1 I bsliew lis stands a fairly e&ssaefi offeeisg.©el&etsxi* I .jffaei&tft your i&tez*#t Is t&e litis l&SMmt gmrnn&l m $ $ m E Simm&l&t Bamrabl® forth CX&rfc Kos&e of Bopreses*^ Washington, C* It/fgr m.