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Federal Reserve Bank
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr. Eccles:May I concur generally with your entire speech before the St. Louis
bankerE with the exception of your use of the income taxes to keep money in
circulation, ie., higher taxes for those who are able to save. There seems to
be a strong undercurrent in all your expressed thoughts towards the thoughts
that I have expressed in my many letters to you, so much so that six different
people remarked of the same thing. My difference of course is the suggested use
of a "Tax on Unspent Income11 in place of the income taxes.
My objection to the use of income taxes is practically the same as
expressed by William McChesney Martin who undoubtably was expressing his reaction
to your speech, that to "soak the rich" eventually kills production. I feel that
the only way to get a fuller and richer life for all is to increase production
and to oppose everything that hinders production or hinders the consumption of
that which is produced. Included in the things which should be opposed are Commun­
istic or Socialized governmental agencies, labor ideas to reduce production or
spread the work, governmental agencies trying to overcome the Law of Supply and
Demand by artificial means, uncontrolled Capitalism and governmental relief.or made
High Income taxes and a Tax on Unspent income as suggested by nyself
will event-cially both distribute wealth, but with the Income Taxes we will have
to have a IPaeist form of government as the discouragement given to Capital is
such that you drive men out of business and dry it up to the point where the
Capitalistic system is unworkable. I feel that "taxing only a mans increase in
wealth" in accordance with his necessity of saving, allowing him the security of
his fortune, forcing him to use his income properly when he has no need of saving
so as to get the greatest enjoyment during his brief stay on earth by the alternate
of tax avoidance if he disposes of his current income, allowing him to make secure
his loved ones in an easier manner than income taxes, is infinitely a more equitable
and easier manner to divide the wealth, distribute income more equally, keep money
in circulation better, have less need for taxes and with a larger production make
taxes easier to collect and still at the same time make the Capitalistic System
workable again without Governmental attempted artificial assistance.
It is of course hard to get an eixpression on such a controversial subject
such as I suggest from anyone whose name means anything other than "off the record".
But I am not discouraged for people love to tear down things and ridicule ideas and
I am unable even to find that. Further I have been told that it is prophetised in
the pyramid^ that some such plan will become world operative by August 1953. Perhaps
by that time the Treasury Department might be willing to "give every man a hearing"
that our President promised.
And really they should take better care of their Insured Risks, for if
ansver before then I may turn out a para noiac. Selah,


tr^Ty, f
