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Becember 26* 1938

Mr* Marrlner S. Becles
Chairman of the Board! of Governors
Federal Reserve System
Washington* B*C*
My dear Mr* Iceles:
The better part of thirty years ago* when you were
In short pants and I was a young profeeso* at Columbia* we threw a
grand party In New York and got together all the bankers In the country
(largely at our expense* needle as to say) to "educate" them to the
necessity for some kind of centralised banking Institution* I sort of
gave out hat-checks to the bqys* so I got well acquainted with all the
thirty or forty thousand we had around fojp several days* I discovered
that there were two of them- and Just two* as far as tt I could make
out- who had the remotest Idea what banking Is all about* anyway*
They are both dead* unhappily- Paul fhrburg and Barton Hepburn* Now* by
an odd coincidence, I happen to hold here the professorship named far
the latter* one of the few bankers* dead or alive, with whose name any
intelligent person would allow hlmstlf to be associated* In my Judgment*
Wfcll* when you first hove In sight down In Washington and began opening
your mouth I shouted for Joy and went around among my friends pointing
fcut to them that the number of intelligent bankers visible on the
American continent had Just been increased in Infinite ratio*
This letter has Just one purpose* to ttll you how you have enlarged
and deepened my Joy by your reply to Senator Byri* Itfs one of the
most valuable Christmas presents the American people could have* and
God rest yjSbJ5$?*y> gentlemap* for making It* even If we do have to
do a llttle^tft^tSie old song In making the wish. Of course you can't
educate Byrd* even if he wanted to learn anything* which he does nft«
I know* because I once tried the Job In a similar ease* A very handsome cigar-store Indian stood near * to aqr father's grain elevator In our
Illinois village back In the nineties* I spent all my spare time for
eighteen months trying to teach him something, but he could n't learn
a thing. Then I discovered that his head was made of wood* so I gave
up, advising him to move to Virginia and run for the Senate* but he
would n't even do that. Ifm soriry* beeauae he would have raised the
level of Virginia Intelligence In the Senate so markedly If he could
only be there In place of the Junior Senator*
Seriously* your letter Is* In my Judgment* an extremely valuable
document* admirable alike In content and temper* and will contribute
materially to the process of understanding that must go forward If
we are to get rid of the financial superstitions that are preventing
us from making and distributing goods, and living accordingly* To
(Sfftve somebody sitting in the banking seats of the mighty who understands some thing of the nature of debt* and who underttands that banking
Is a means to the production of goods* and that production Is a means
to living- It's Just too good to be true. There alnft no such animal*

Very truly yours*


January 3, 1939 •

Mr. H. R. Mussey,
Department of Economics
and Sociology,
hellesley College,
Dear Mr* Mussey:
Of cJLl the large volume of letters precipitated
by my recent letter to Senator Byrd, none has amused me
or pleased me more than yours.
While I have little hope that any large number
of our population at this stage of evolution can be made
to understand the nature of debt and that banking is a
means to production of goods and thus to a means of living,
I did feel that the btimulation of controversy might be
worthwhile. However, it is refreshing and reassuring to
hear from those like yourself vyho have comprehension.
In accordance with your request I am very glad
to send under separate cover copies of the letter* I am
also sending copies of the address I gave in New York
which was the basis for Senator byrdfs broadside.
Sincerely yourB,

ii. S. Eccles,
