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Dear Mr* EcclasJ
I was reading your comments on the possibilities of a Bust
which ajiyone can see i s coming quick unless something i s done.
1 thot maybe you might think over what 1 have written i n this
forum article. Things are really getting tough with the small
business man and I guess with the others too. We have lost
quite a few sales these last few weeks to honest people who
need washers badly but are old folks on pensions or widows with
families whose washers have broken down and the expense of f i x ing them up and continually doing so as is the case with an old
washer would make i t cheaper to buy a new one out of their fefclgw
ance which is r e a l l y surer than the wages o f many. but without
considering this phase that they suggest we do no*t sell to those
on Relief or pensions which „ as stated we lose i f we add to thi»
loss the many sales we are able to make to families who are having a time to make ends meet with the high cost of l i v i n g who
could not pay l / 4 t h down on a new machine as required during
regulations, they would have to go without u n t i l they saved up
the difference and they need a washer right now to maintain the
health of their family* And we need the sales as also do the fafc
factories need our orders from them. What we need is better
credit and more income to increase business and not r e s t r i c t ions.
What we need i s something to peg things right where they are
to save the value of homes, etc, the government has insured the
value scf to the Banks and for £he money loaned by others. I t wil
be hard to go back and with our increased production and i n as
much as i t i s just a matter of cost plus on merchandise and a
wage to live on i n accordance we should ifake the figures the
government committe gave as the average cost of l i v i n g for a
family i>f a given size, i t was between $3,500 and $5,000 as 1
remembef it>and this should be the minimum i f we want prosperity
So just as the blue coupons were used by the government to use v
up the surplus during the war, just so we could use these One
Dollar Self Liquidating Bonds issued by the Government and with
which a factory or employer would be use to pay
any increase i n wages for those who received less than the amoun
agreed upon as necessary aiid the recipients who g*t the extra
business they would^thus receive would stand the 3$ or
count necessary to keep them from creating a surplus or i n f l a tion. The government would get i t back automatically from the
or employer thru the excess profits taxes he we
would have to pay on what he mad$ above that agreed to as f a i r .
I f his dividends showed he could pay i t himself he would not be
permitted to use such Dollar Bonds for payroll increases. And to
avoid strikes thw cost ofvl&ving advances u n t i l we strike % fair
balance i t would be the; law that his wages be automatical!^ i n creased i n accordance thsrerith. Pensions could alsobe paid with
such and to prevent customers from giving a l l their 6ash toy some
favored dealer and making another stand the discount a sales tax
on the cash portion of transactions could be levied on dealers.
I t might be preferable to just, allow a certified or licenced employer issue a certificate for the advance needed to increase hii
payroll and let the government mail employee a check for the dif
ference which could be converted into Bonds at the Post Office*
The same 1 am sending I s exchangeable when reduced to 50£.

C o r y to Marion S. Eccles,
Federal Reserve Dept. Washington. D.
Sa'Xt Lake City, Utah. July 29th,1948.
Editor, Voice of the People,
Salt Lake Telegram, City,
y ear Editor;— I f we could figure out a plan to make our/improvements
p r t l i w i t y and pay for public service and pensions, etc, out of the
surplus we produce and then increase our incomes generally as we find
our new inventions and improved methods increase our products we would
achieve the ideal.
This does not mean that we should tax industry or private enterprise
a l l their profits above what the average have but they should be allowed to set aside a reasonable amount for expansion and maybe a 10£ higher standard of l i v i n g than the average,but they surely should not have
millions or thousands for that matter to squander foolishly while others
have to go without proper medical care and the common necessities of
l i f e . And I surely do not approve of the big fellows who have scans
scheme of monopoly which is many times the case so that they mkke so
much more then others that they can get o f f in exclusive sections
with $20,000 and 150,000 homes, etc, while the others have none or
just have to tpke something below modern because their Income or the
f r u i t s of their labor goes to the ones who monopolize fcurplswee.
When I hear of the supply and demand situation being a means of regulating prices I fear we are not surveying the whole situation.I think
the safest method we could pursue would be to figure the cost of producing an article of some specified grade end then allow a f a i r profi t as stated above after paying labor the required minimum necessary
allowances or as determined proper and then have a f a i r trades price
on such artioles of manufacture or produce. I f the bank loani a f*rmer money on his intended crop which should also be insured then the
price should be protected end the same applies to a manufacturer who
starts an industry in some needed article and borrows money to finance
i t . The artiole should be protected for everybody's benefit including
the laborer who w i l l lose his Job i f the factory f a i l s and we should
also know what a washing maohlne or refrigerator of a certain grade i s
honestly worth, etc. No chance to cheat anybody.


Right now we ootM accomplish the above by taking the governments
figures of the necessary income for a given si7ed family to l i v e . I f
a family does not have this they cannot buy whet is manufactureteind
-P O
right now we are ready for a blowup because factory stocks are p i l i n g
up and some hpve <evem shut down end l a i d o f f their men. Dealers are
° g3
starting to cut prices and make bigger pllowances for the old washer, s-h
etc, and the banks ere getting soared and want to l i m i t credit which
means that things w i l l get worse for the underdogs who need a washer,
eto, right now and cannot pay l / 4 t h down or on a home likewise. And
the dealer w i l l likewise make fewer sales.e lot fewer. So i f we would > -h
have the government issue One Dollar S e l r Liquidating Bends which r e ^
duce in value Z$ each time endorsed in a dolla* transaction which the g ®
recipient stands out of this extra business he would get, or 4£ could * a
be the reduction i f we saw i t was needed which would only mean a t>2
dlsoount or $4 at the most on ft fSDO.OO washer instead of giving $10 or > %
$20 for the old washer which i s ' n t maybe worth $5 or i t would be oheap-g g
er for the dealer than giving discount sales and so pfi with the Bank
9 a
than losing loans made to storeS which go broke .The Government wguld
g s

suppluythe dapleyer with this money to raise the wages, etc

Save Our Selves

1 No. 001940






Balance the Budget



Good in trade for the highest sum shown on back hereof not cancelled by
endorsement. Only good in a Dollar Transaction with cash to pay difference if
needed. Void if exchanged in trade without endorsement or if held over 60 days.
Person receiving bond in trade accepts it at highest value before endorsement,
Bond must be signed below and countersigned on back by person to whom
issued. When cancelled to 50c value Bond must be turned in without further
use in trade. Exhange two 50c value Bonds for new Dollar Bond or pay 50c
cash difference. Issued by Act of Congress (
) to pay for Public
Enterprises, Unemployed, etc. Also to give extra employment to families who
earn less per year than they should have to purchase their share of the surplus
J- commodities produced.
Regional Treasurer, U. S. of America


Signature of Person to Whom Issued






JWy ^lag
/ v e always loved my flag,
And to my heart t'was dear,
But ne'er before did it appeal,
As on July 4th, this year.
I kissed it, pressed it to my breast,
And tears came to my eyes;
The stripes below the lovely stars,
I furled it to the skies.
I thanked my God for this country dear,
With its vales and streams so clear;
Its mountains glorious to behold,
Seemed closer yes, this year.
My son and yours on distant shores,
True soldiers they must be,
To bring Four Freedoms to the world;
We'll pray for Victory.
And when it's o'er, if God may grant,
And we must not our word recant,
To give these Freedoms we proclaim,
Else Christ and they all died in vain.
That food and homes with tiny feet,
Be not withheld our smiles to meet;
Without the fear when they grow up,
To war they'll go, O bitter cup.
Great God our King, come down and reign ;
Men try and try, but all in vain;
We need Thy help, we'll bend the knee,
0 grant us Peace, Thy Victory.
Read Other Side

R. Dodge, Salt Lake


Read Other Side First
Your humble servant truly believes it is mass murder, and nothing less, if we make sacred promises to our
sons and loved ones, that il they will sacrifice their lives, which many will have to do, for a certain principle
which in this war we have designated to be the Four Freedoms, and then after they have done their part,
given their lives, and their loved ones have also drank of the bitter cup, that they and their posterity might
enjoy these sacred privileges, we break our word and for selfish motives do not see that these necessities for a
full life and these freedoms are put into effect.
If you make a sacred promise to me that if I will give my life in doing a certain thing you will guarantee
that my family and loved ones shall not want thereafter, will have freedom to worship as their conscience
guides them in righteousness without infringing on the rights of others, freedom to express ideals in speech
or in print on the same basis, and freedom from fear which can only come through righteous actions nationally
and inter-nationally, and freedom from want whether young, healthy or weak, if they are willing to do what
they are able to, for self support or help in the general cause as may be designated by some honest plan, if
these things are promised me in some way or implied, and I give my life for the cause and then the man who
makes the promise fails to give what he promised to those left behind or so vote to assure that it is put into
effect as stated before, I hold he is guilty of taking my life in vain or has murdered me for gain, and assists in
crucifying the Savior of mankind in denying the very things He taught were right and gave His life for the
redemption of all and ultimate establishment of these principles in His Kingdom to be set up on earth.
Just as salvation comes through repentance and baptism, so any economic method of raising funds to
assist the weak or underpaid must be through a tax or donation of surplus time by those stronger or whom
God has blessed with extra intelligence. The honor of having accomplished these things should be sufficient
reward without extra riches, except that those so blessed must have funds to expand their projects.
But even if a man is selfish and cannot live up to the highest ideals, he knows that he cannot sell his products or have prosperity unless some method is adopted to put the wherewith to buy in the hands of those
who need them. Therefore we must immediately find out what we can produce with normal facilities and all
able bodied men working a given number of hours per week with Saturday off for recreation and Sunday for
Worship; women to go home and tend the babies or be housewives if they can't have babies, etc., and I suggest they split the paycheck and expenses, then see that the minimum wages paid or allowances given, say it
may be $2,500 a year for a family of five* and a given pension for elderly couples with some task given to do of
social benefit where they are able and that they may progress, and if a man cannot earn his share of what he
needs to buy his share of what is produced that the factories, etc., may be kept going, let the Government issue
a Tax Liquidating Dollar Certificate to make up the difference, given for public work, etc., or paid through
their employer if he can show that he is not able to pay employees the amount required. See my sample Dollar
Certificate. Each time it is endorsed on back in a dollar transaction it reduces 2c in value until it reaches 50c
when it is exchanged toward a new one. Discount is stood by recipient who gets the benefit of this extra trade.
* With automatic adjustment in ratio to living costs.
As a method of International Exchange I suggest the plan God made when He created the world, as expressed by one of His prophets. "God, Himself, finding He was in the midst of spirits and glory, because He
was more intelligent, saw proper to institute laws whereby the rest could have a privilege to advance like
Himself."—Joseph Smith.
We are, with our allied nations and others, more advanced than some and in the midst of plenty, and it is
our sacred duty to use this intelligence, as professors in the belief of God's teachings, to see that His plans are
carried but and that men do not want for the necessities of life in the midst of plenty and that we lend our aid
in every way possible to prepare the world for a reign of Peace and the second coming of our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ, as the scriptures also promise. Do we believe them or are we just fakirs? "As He died to make
men Holy let us die to make men Free/' Read what He says about the rich who forget the poor and what will
happen to this Nation if we do not repent. Read what the American Indian will do. Jac. 2:1-22; 3rd Nephi 15-21,
Book of Mormon. Better you read it. I testify to you I know it is true. "Lord God of Hosts be with us yet. Lest
we forget." I am weak as the weakest but know that if we repent and seek Him He will do as He says —
Make the truth known to us by the power of His Holy Spirit. America is a choice land above all others and
why should not God give it to a choice man, the seed of Joseph, as he promised in Gen. 49:22-26. He said He
had other sheep to visit. John 10:16.
To help other nations and eliminate the so-called Tariff controversy could we not make a tariff to equal the
difference between the wages they pay to produce the article or produce and what we pay, and if they raise
the wages of the underpaid to equal ours so they can buy an equal amount of our commodities we will buy an
equal amount of their products to what they take of ours directrly or through an international exchange? If a
country can raise bananas better than we, let them raise them for us and we will exchange something we can
do better than they can.
FREE—I give you a copy or copies FREE to send to a son or friends.

C. Dodge, 153 East on 3rd South