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June 5, 1947

Dear Mr* Chairman:
The Council of Economic AdTisers has transmitted to
me a memorandum in regard to the legislation which the Board
of Governors has recommended for consideration by Congress to
continue instalment credit regulations now in effect under an
Executive Order based on the Trading with the Enemy Act* In
their memorandum the Council states:
"There now exists the power to limit the growth of
instalment credit which, even under the present
restraints, has been expanding at a disturbing rate*
This power now rests on wartime Executive Order, which
may have to be rescinded in the absence of legislative
authority for its continuation* If the curbs on the
extension of instalment credit now being exercised
under Regulation W were to be removed at this time,
there would be a tendency of producers and distributors
to try to sustain the absorptive power of the market
by accepting lower down-payments and a longer time
period rather than adjusting prices to the purchasing
power of current incomes* This would postpone rather
than promote the kind of stable adjustment that our
economy requires*w
I wish to advise you that I am in full accord with the
Council*s recommendations and hope that the Congress will enact
the necessary legislation to retain restraints upon excessive
expansion which results in excessive contraction of consumer credit
thereby making for economic instability, reduced production, and
unemployment* If the Congress does not see fit to provide the
necessary legislative authority, it is my Intention to vacate the
Executive Order because I do not believe that such regulations
should rest indefinitely in peacetime on emergency or war powers
after the Congress has had ample opportunity to consider the subject*
Very sincerel

Honorable Marrlner S* Secies,
Chairman, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System,
Washington, D* C*