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THE GENERAL C O U N S E L OF THE TREASURY WASHINGTON October 19, 1942 Dear Marriner: I am enclosing for your information a copy of the estimated revenue yield of the Revenue Bill of 1942 as agreed upon in Conference. Siiurferely yours, Hon. Marriner S. Eccles Chairman, Federal Reserve Board Federal Reserve Building Washington, D. C. Enclosure October Zt, V&2* Dear &*iidolphs thanka vary ouch for sending mo a copy of the eatiaated revenue yield of the ifcrrezme Bill of 19^2 as agr««d upon in Conference. I am glad to have this at band for reference purposes* Sincerely your** Honorable Sandolph E. Paul, General Counsel, Treasury Department, 1&u&lngto&# Eu b (Table sent to Mr. Krost - 10/Zj/k2 - meb)