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San Francisco Headquarters

May 2, 1940

Honorable Marriner S. Eccles,
Chairman of the Board of Governors,
Federal Reserve System,
Washington, D* C.
Dear Governor Eccles:
I am sending to you herewith, for such
use as you may wish to make of i t , a copy of a
prospectus which has been delivered to Bank of
America N. T . & S . A. b y a group of underwriters
who have entered into an agreement of underwriting
with the Bank in connection with its proposed issue
of convertible preferred stock.
There are also enclosed five additional
copies of the prospectus, in case you may wish to
place a copy in the hands of the other members of
your Board.
Yours very truly,
(s) R. P. A. Everard
R. P. A. Everard,

May 3, 1940

Mr. R. P. A. Everard, Secretary
Bank of America N. T. & S. A.
San Francisco, California
Dear Mr» Everard*
Mr. Eccles hap ar*ed me to acknowledge your letter
to him under date of May 2d, 1940, with which you enclosed
six copies of the prospectus delivered to the Bank of Aaerica
H. T. & S, A» by the group of underwriters *ho have entered
into an agreeaent of underwriting with the Bank in connection
with its proposed issue of convertible preferred stock.
Your courtesy in the matter ie appreciated and your
letter and its enclosures are bein^ brought to the attention
of the other member6 of the Board of Governors for their i n formation.
loure very truly,

Lawrence Clayton
Assistant to the Chairman
