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T O W N S E N D •; • 7 5 2
u n iv e rs ity


B O X N O . 61


D E T R O IT , M IC H .

January 6, 1939

Mr. Iferriner S. Eccles,
Federal Reserve,
Washington, D. 0.
Dear Mr* Eccles:
I am enclosing herewith copies of letters
which I sent to Mr. Lewis Haney on October 10th,
1938 and January 5th, 1939, "which I believe may
be of interest to you.
I also wish to acknowledge receipt of your
letter of December 7th, 1938 in which you enclosed
a copy of your address delivered Decomber 1, 1938
before the Hevf York Chapter American Institute of
Banking in Hew York City« In this address I feel
you have clearly and entirely summed up the present
situation. I think that American banking should be
separated entirely from control of industry. They
should be made to go out and ■work for a living for
tinder the present set-up they have absolutely no
community of interest with our people«
I again wish to thank you for your courtesy
in sending me a copy of your address as I have
most certainly benefited through reading the same«





October 10th, 19i>8

Mr. Lewis Haney,
King Features Inc.,
New York City, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Haney:
I read with interest your article under date of October 6th
headed "Hew Deal lays slump period on business men”. I note
particularly your comparison of the President*s attitude with
that of Hitler in desiring peace on his own terms.
As a constant reader of your column, I have during the past
twelve months particularly noticed your placing the blame for
present financial conditions on Government interference. Just
what has big business to offer the .American people other than
waving the constitution or blaming the Government for everything
that is happening. Who instructed the banks to go out in the
late 20*s and with other people*s money attempt to buy up con­
trol vf American industry and business through mergers which
they unloaded on the public at fancy prices - to unload hundreds
of millions in foreign bonds, that have since turned out worth­
less on the investment public - the most ruthless period of
liquidation placed into effect by bankers during 30 and 31
which threw hundreds of millions of dollars of undigested mer­
chandise on the market at distress prices with which no manu­
facturer could compete, causing plant shut down, increasing
unemployment,and intensifying the holocaust. These same
gentlemen who as President Roosevelt said "had abdicated from
their positions of authority" and now having cleiabored back to
prosperity on the coat tails of Mr. Roosevelt with their coffers
filled, complain that everything Mr. Roosevelt proposes is all
During the past 35 years our business leader» have taken
the American worlsnan who was living within walking distance of
his place of employment, transported him to a gigantic city,
making possession of his own means of transportation a neoessity,
increased his productive power, taught him the benefit of motor
cars, radios, moving pictures, created billion dollar corporations
with annual earnings running into the hundreds of millions, ex­
ploited every principle of our American Democracy to their own
benefit and having failed to consider the American workman or
to provide for him in their order of things, being absolutely un­
willing to assume responsibility for their own creation they are
now ready to sell Democraoy down the river, turning to Faoism
in a mistaken belief that by so doing th«y will perpetuate their
own position*


#2— Haney*

Throughout the ages and history of mankind every past era
of civilization has been destroyed by the greed of those at the
top, their blind refusal to give those at the bottom a more
equitable share of what they are producing. Is history again
to repeat itself? I see a direct tie-up between what is hap­
pening abroad for which leaders of European Democracy are
directly responsible -with happenings in this country during
the past twelve months. The sit down strike of Capital. The
utter lack of sales effort during the current year, and even
today with orders on hand for hundreds of thousands of auto­
mobiles no great effort is being made to speed up production.
We see reports in the papers of the tie-up of industrial leaders
with unamerican activities, Mr. Hitler bestowing decorations
on leading American industrialists. The cry of Communism will
not continue to act as a smoke screen, protecting those who
are definitely engaged in sabotaging our Democracy. I am not
impressed by the claim of Rugged Individualism that has per­
mitted bankers to loot railroads, issuing hundreds of millions
of dollars in bond issues, the proceeds of which were used
mainly in fnanoing the acquisition of control in other units,
and when said control had BHtarti accomplished its purpose,
additional bond issues were floated to finance the resale of
same at advantageous profits to themselves. "Why blame Labor
unions entirely for the conditions that these roads now find
themselves in? Neither am I impressed by the claim of bankers
that they cannot find worthwhile loans or secured investments
for their funds. I think if the service charges that the
bankers have installed since 1933 whereby they are able to pass
on the entire cost of operation, and at times I strongly suspect
their dividend requirements also, to their depositors, were to
be eliminated and the bankers compelled to go out and work for
a living they would soon find plenty of attractive and meri­
torious loans.
Sincerely yours,



January 5, 1939
W m Lewis Haney*
Kings Features Xno*,
Bear York City, E.Y*
Dear Mr* Haney;
Z have noted with interest certain oonaents in your articles
of the last few days on the philosophy of Ur* Booles*
Ton dispute the statesnt that Government borrowing ore&tes
bank deposits and thereby provides newly created money. How do
you account for the fact that we have some fifty five billion
dollars in bank deposits as against a total of six billion dol­
lars of currency in existence?
You ornament on those greedy buyers of foreigi bonds in 1929
that ware bad« How about the distributors who exploited the
desire of thsse "greedy investors* who In many instances Z knew
were only seeking a secured investment that had been highly re­
commended to them« To offset Hr* Socles* statement, what did
the banlssrs accomplish in their desire to obtain control of our
national industrial life that brought on the crisis of 1929« In
a desire to save themselves from the results of their own felly
they placed into effect the most ruthless period of liquidation
the world has ever eoen so that by 1935 our entire banking systen
was a shambles« Thousands of business msn were forced out of
business through this ruthless liquidation, others forced to close
their doors unable to oompete with distress merchandise of un­
precedented proportion« Sow having claxabored back to prosperity
on the ooat tails of Mr* Hoosevelt these gsntlemen oseplaln of
Qovsmaent spending* the very spending that enabled theaa to do
what they did in 1953* 1954, and 1935*
X feel that if the Government were to make these gentleman
go cut and work for a living* stop the easy picking of Government
financing* eliminate service charges which enables the banker to
pass on their entire cost of overhead to the depositors, and in
many instances Z strongly suspect dividend requirements* Mr*
Eccles might not have so difficult a time In placing the funds
created through Government borrowing* into circulation«
Sincerely yours*


January 9, 1959

Mr* George Levey,
Box Ho. 61, Linwood Station,
Detroit, Michigan*
Dear Mr* Levey:
Permit me to thank you for your letter of
January 6th enclosing copies of the two letters which
you addressed to Sir* Lewis Haney* X a;a gratified to
know that you challenged some of the statements which
lie has been putting out, and I was interested to note
the incisive points which you laade*
I appreciate your interest and your thought­
fulness in sending m this material*

Sincerely yours.

M* S. Kccles,