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A m e r i c a n International C o r p o r a t i o n 25 BROAD STREET N E W York March 24, 1939 Hon* Marriner S# Eccles Chairman Federal Reserve Board Washington, D.C. My Dear Mr, Eccles: Over the past few years I have followed with interest your statements on economic and monetary policies, and I should like to note than I am fully in agreement with them. It is human nature no doubt for the opposition to be more vociferous on the opposition than on the defense. I think there are still quite a few us who still support your theories even though we are perhaps relatively inarticulate. Since your statement "before the Senate Committee on Silver Legislation seemed to despair on this point, I have felt constrained to add this letter to the apparently small pile which you receive in defense of your program. Both the Senators the Representative from my district porting your program. I trust that> act, you will continue to fight for program. from New York and are, I believe, suphowever Congress may your general economic Respectfully yours, Laut R. Wade LRW/ma March 28, 1939* Mr, Laut American 25 Broad New York R. Wade, International Corporation, Street, City. Dear Mr* Wade: Your letter of March 2U, commenting on my statement on economic and monetary policies, is very reassuring. I wanted you to know that I appreciated your encouragement and your thought fulness in writing to me. Sincerely yours, M. S. -Eccles, Chairman. ET:b m* 3 5 offcis 1839