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F. R .VO N W l N D E G G E R , P R E S I D E N T

T h e P laza Ba n k o f S t . L o u is
W . L. G R E G O R Y



Sa in t L o u is


January 22, 1937.

Hon. Marriner S. Eccles, Chairman
Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr. Eccles:
It was with the greatest pleasure that I have just read
in the American Banker of January nineteenth the steno­
graphic transcript of your talk before the New England
Bank Management Council in Boston on November thirteenth.
Being human, Gregory and I were greatly complimented by
the fact that all of the statements made in your address
coincided so perfectly with our thinking for the past
four years. We wish this address could be reprinted in
every trade journal in the country, as well as in the
daily press.
Your indictment of the bankers as obstructionists was
thoroughly justified, and I blush for my fraternity.
However, I was forcibly reminded, after the publication
of the clipping which is enclosed, that bankers hold
their positions at the suffranee of their boards of di­
rectors. While it has always been my contention that
fearlessness is one of the first requisites of a good
banker, it is easy for me to understand why bankers often
yield to the mental attitude of their reactionary and un­
thinking boards. This is particularly true, since my re­
cent experience after the publication of this newspaper
article made it necessary for me to buy out three di­
rectors owning 25$ of the stock of this bank.
This letter is written for the sole purpose of thanking
you for, and of pledging to you the continuance of our
cooperation with your effort to place the monetarysystem
of our country on a firm and really "sound1'
Sincerely yours


This article is protected by copyright and has been removed.
The citation for the original is:
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, “Head of Bank Here Makes Appeal for Roosevelt Support: F. R. Von
Windegger Avers President Saved Business and Government from Itself,” October 19,
1937, p. 4A.