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LORNA JOLLEY. Vice President



Logan, Utah

April 8, 1948
Honorable Marriner S. Eccles
Board of Governors
Federal Reserve System
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr. Eccles*
In confirmation of my wire to you, either April 20th or April 27th are
desirable dates for your appearance here from our point of view, inasmuch as both
dates fall on Tuesday and we hold our regular studentbocfy assemblies at eleven
o*clock each Tuesday. However, if neither of these dates meet your convenience,
please specify another date and I shall clear both the time and the day for such
a meeting.
In reference to your request for an off-the-record talk, the following
possibilities have been discussed and m shall be happy to agree t o your preference.
Our first preference would be to conduct a public meeting of students and
facility which you would address for perhaps half an hour, followed by an audience
questioning period for about lialf an hour. I have contacted press representatives
within the state and they have all agreed to keep everything off the record so far
as such a meeting is concerned. However, some of them have requested that you hold
a press conference at which you would make statements of a general nature which you
would permit them to publish. I have made no commitments to any of them in this
regard. Another possibility which has been consideredwould be to hold a public
on-the-record meeting at which you would speak about things of a general nature for
perhaps forty minutes, followed by an off-the-record dinner-discussion before pi
Sigma Alpha, a national honorary fraternity of political s cience and economics
majors. A third possibility, and the least desirable from our point of view,
would be to hold an off-the-record banquet program for pi Sigma Alpha and perhaps
two or three hundred specially invited guests.
In accordance with our policy of receiving other speakers here, I should
like to invite city and county public officials to participate in welcoming you
back to Logan. The County Democratic committee has expressed a desire to partic­
ipate also, if you have no objections.
I have not previously mentioned a speaking fee, but ifyou will kindly
indicate the amount so that I may have a college check prepared I shall appreciate
your courtesy.
We shall be happy to cooperate with you in any manner you may desire.


April 19, 19L8.

Mr. Desmond L. ^nderson, President,
Associated Students,
Utah State Agricultural College,
Logan, Utah.
Dear Mr. Anderson:
Reference is made to your letter of April 8th and my wire
of the 16th, and your wire of the 17th, regarding my appearance be­
fore your regular student-body assembly.
I note that the date of April 27 would suit you best and I
am, therefore, planning to make an off-the-record informal talk at
11:00 o'clock to your student-body. I should like to talk for about
forty minutes, followed by an audience-question period of about twenty
minutes. I will be glad to meet with the press and answer such ques­
tions as they have for background information, but I do not desire to
make any statements for quotation on either the national or the inter­
national problems.
I note what you say about the County Democratic Committee
desiring to participate, in welcoming me back to Logan. As you suggest,
I should be glad to have you invite the City and County officials to
assist in welcoming me back. I have no objection to the County Demo­
cratic Committee participating, but I should like it understood that I
am not in politics and am not a partisan, I am strictly an independent;
I have voted the Republican ticket more often than the Democratic ticket,
and the way things look at the present time, I am more likely to support
the Republican than the Democratic ticket in the coming election.
There will be no speaking fee or expense charged in connection
with my appearance, as I do not think it appropriate for people in public
office to accept honorariums for their public appearances.
I will be in Ogden on Monday, April 26th, at the Hotel Ben
Lomond, in case you wish to leave instructions there for me or wish to
get in touch with me; otherwise, I will be at the assembly room at the
College at 11:00 o'clock on Tuesday morning.

Sincerely yours,