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May 2U> 1943,

Dear Marriner:
The way it looks now I am not going to be able to get
down to the Wednesday meeting* A recurrence of a particularly
bad form of flu, on top of my other difficulty, ,has laid me low.
Getting up out of bed to go in to see the Secretary on Friday and
Saturday, with a temperature, didnft help, of course.
There could not be a worse time to be sick, I know, and
I am broken up about it* To help out, if possible, I have jotted
down some notes of my two conversations and aend them along with
this letter.
If the rest of the System finally decides it wants to
and can go along, I can see just one possible compromise for me.
The Secretary might appoint, 3ay, Burgess as Vice Chairman in this
district, he really to assume full responsibility and I merely to
keep the name of Chairman to preserve appearances. Hall vfould then
be number three man under Burgess. I would not like this set-up at
all, but for the sake of the System would be willing to consider it.
Secretary's attitude toward System is such, however, that I question
what we gain by giving in.
Sorry to let you down.
Yours sincerely,

Allan Sproul.

Hon. Marriner S. Eccles, Chairman,
3oard of Governors cf the Federal
Reserve System,
Washington, D.C.

Encs. (2)