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June 19, 1942
Dear Marriner:
It was impossible for Randle Gilbert and me
to get to Washington Saturday, but we are both planning to be there on Sunday morning. Randle will
arrive quite early. My train does not get in until
9*30. I told Randle I would come directly to the
CarIton Hotel, pick him up, and go directly to the
Shoreham to meet you and Larry*
I realize that this arrangement takes you
and Larry out of a Sunday morning foursome and makes
it necessary to start the game pretty late in the
day. If you and Larry want to play in the breakfast
foursome, there may be some others who would be willing to start late. I hope, as I know Randle does,
that we can get in our round with you, however.
If this arrangement is not convenient, I
suggest that you get hold of Randle at the Carlton
Hotel early Sunday morning and leave any word as to
other arrangements there with him.
Looking forward to seeing you, I am

Honorable Marriner S. Eccles, Chairman
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System

Washington, D. C«