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MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Central Valley COMMERCIAL CHARLES R PARTRIDGE PRESIDENT of Sank ornia California SAVINGS Richmond, California January 23, 1950 Mr. Marriner S. Eccles Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Washington, D. C. My Dear Marriner: I have read and reread your statement made before the Subcommittee on Monetary, Credit and Fiscal Policies of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report. The text was most interesting and I thoroughly concur with your views which are in line with what we discussed when I recently met you in the lobty of the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco. I hope to be able to see you again soon. Kindest personal regards! Sincerely yours / Charles P. Partridge President UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY February 7, 1950. Dear Charles: I appreciate your thoughtfulness in vvriting me on January 23 relative to my recent remarks before the Senate Subcoimrittee on Monetary, Credit and Fiscal Policies of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report* I am glad to have your expression of approval of my testimony. I am always interested in knowing that my efforts are appreciated by my friends. I, too, enjoyed the visit vie had when I iwas in San Francisco last Fall and hope we may have an opportunity of another visit before too long. with kindest personal regards, Sincerely yours, Mr. Charles P. Partridge, President, Central Valley Bank of California, Richmond, California. VE:dls