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OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON 25, D» C* CHESTER BOWLES ADMINISTRATOR March 22, 19UU The Honorable Marriner S. Eccles Chairman Board of Governors Federal Reserve System Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Eccles: I am sending you a copy of the report of the Canadian Wartime Prices and Trade Board covering rationing and price control. I know i t will interest you as their problems so c l o s e l y coincide with our own. You will see that they have used subsidies with much greater freedom than we. The record in the back i s only a partial one f o r subsidies paid by the Canadian Agricultural Beard and other agencies are not included. I was particularly interested to find that in Canada, a country only 10$ as la rge as ours, they have developed the same multiplicity of interlocking agencies that vie have. I am sure the system in both countries i s much more e f f e c t i v e than i t would ever appear to be from an organizational chart. My best personal regards. Chester Bowles Administrator 25 Maroh 50» 19Uu Dear Cheater: 2 was ¿lad to hare the copy of the r e port of the Canadian Wartlae Prloea and Trade Board and appreciate your though tfulneaa in esodine i t to ne» I waa impressed, aa you were, with the extent to which they have uaed subsidies and «Ith the complexity of their own governmental »achinery, notrsi th standing the faot that their prob lena, « h i l e alad l a r to our own, are of such ami 1er stagni tude* Moreover, they have done ao auch better than « e have in flaoal policy that the preaaurea on their prloea are that much leaa than an ours« With kindest personal regarda. Sincerely yours. Honorable Chester Bowles, Adainiatrator. Office of Price Adainiatration, Washington 25» C.