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NEW YORK C R E D IT MEN’S A S S O C IA TIO N 354 FOUR TH AVENUE NEW Y O R K IO, N.Y. office of the president November 17, 1948. Mr. Marriner S. Eccles, Vice Chairman Federal Reserve Board Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Eccles: Mot having had the honor of meeting you, I asked our mutual friend, Mr. Arthur D. Whiteside, if he would give me an introduction, and he telephoned me today that he has contacted you and in part explained our wishes. Our Association consists of about 3300 members, rep resentatives of the Banks, Wholesale Houses and Man ufacturers of New York City. Once each year we hare a dinner, attendance about 1500, and it is customary to have one principal speaker, followed by a humorist. We would greatly appreciate having you as the principal speaker at our Annual Dinner next February 17th at the Hotel Astor, New York. It has been customary for us to present our speakers with an honorarium in keeping with their ideas, $500.00 or more, and, of course, take care of their expenses. We hope you will favor us, choosing your own subject, and your talk may be of record or woff the record", as you prefer. Please let us hear from you favorably and, at the same time, tell us frankly your ideas regarding the honorariun. HPR:cs December 8, 1948. Dear Mr. Reader: I hope you have not been too greatly inconvenienced by my delay in replying to your letter of November 17, inviting me to be the principal speaker at the annual dinner of the New York Credit ifenTs Association to be Field February XT' at the Hotel Astor. Confirming our telephone conversation of this morn ing, I will be glad to address your members, it being understood that my remarks will be off the record. Your letter does not state the time the dinner is to be held, or whether it is formal or informal. I assume it will be business suit. I will appreciate your giving me this information. As I explained to you on the telephone, I do not accept honorariums, and I will take care of the hotel reservation unless I advise you to the contrary. Sincerely yours, M. S. Eccles. Mr. New 354 New H. Parker, Reader, President, York Credit Men's association, Fourth Avenue, York 10, New York.