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rebruary 20,


Mr. Marriner -H-ccles
Board of Governors
Federal Reserve Bank
.'ash ing ton, D. C.
Lear Marriner:
A few days ago 1 received a wire from your
Board advising me of my appointment to Class C
director of the Federal Reserve Bank, Salt Lake
City Branch. I consulted George with reference
to this and he recommended that I accept it.
I am sure that the contacts will be beneficial to myself and 1 hope that I can in return
do just a bit of good.
I sensed that this appointment came out of
recommendations made by yourself, and •>- wanted to
let you know that I appreciate the confidence you
have in me. I hope that as a result of your speaking in my behalf, that all the reports you receive
will make you feel that you were justified.
Thanks again, end it has always been most
pleasant to be a business associate and a friend
to you and George.


Prank M/\ Brown in

-eh 3, 1950.

Mr. Frank M. ^
Buick bales Company,
ii626 ininhing1*nn boulevard,
Ggden, Utah.
Dear xraiik:
1 had the pleasure and privilege of recommending
your name to the Federal keserve Board for appointment to
the Class C directorship of the bait Lane oity cranch of
tae Federal uaserve bank of 6<iii Francisco. I also consuited v»ith Georf;e about your appointment. I WCJS ^lad to
have the accept my recoiLiuenda.tion arid to have you
accept the appointment »hea it n a tendered to you by the
board. Having been doqu<aiiitea with you b. good :itan> years >
«ind iaiowing your ability and success, both in private business and puolic service, I feel sure you will add greatly
to the strength of the bait Lake City Federal kescrve bonk

1 expect to oe in ban Francisco on ^arch ici and
22 trO attend the annual diniier and meeting of the oificers
and directors of the Federal iveserve BanK of ban Francisco
and its four brcinches. You wiii no doubt plan to attend
that Conference olid, if so, I Kill look forward to seeing
you at that time.

*«itn kindest regards,
bincerely yours,

. b. Eccles.