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C H IC A G O D IS T R IC T ILLINOIS BA N K E R S ASSOCIATION Group One P R E S ID E N T G E O R G E R. B O Y L E S , MERCHANTS NATIONAL P R E S ID E N T B A N K IN C H I C A G O V IC E -P R E SID E N T EUGENE W . KASPAR, P R E SID E N T F IR S T N A T I O N A L B A N K O F C IC E R O BOARD OF GOVERNORS sggsanrn t a h a u m RYt>*Prr CHICAGO H . S. F R E N C H , P R E S ID E N T M IL W A UKE E A V E N U E NA TI ONA L BANK H. GOLIGHTLY, P R E SID E N T T. M A D IS O N -C R A W F O R D N A T IO N A L B A N K 105 WEST MONROE STREET WILLIAM H. MILLER, V IC E -P R E S ID E N T C IT Y N A T I O N A L B A N K A N D T R U S T C O M P A N Y TREASU RER FRA NK C . RATHJE, P R E SID E N T C H IC A G O C I T Y B A N K A N D T R U S T C O M P A N Y BARTHOLOMEW O ’TOOLE, P R E S ID E N T P U L L M A N T R U S T A N D S A V IN G S B A N K EX ECU TIVE SE C R E T A R Y SU E E. DOW NING PA ST P R E SID E N T JOSEPH R. FREY, P r e s i d e n t TELEPHONE CENTRAL 2 4 0 5 L A K E S H O R E T R U S T A N D S A V IN G S B A N K October U, 1941 Mr. Marriner S. Eccles, Chairman The Board of Governors Federal Reserve System Washington, D, C. Dear Mr. Eccles: Our Board of Governors at a recent meeting asked that an invitation be extended to you to be our guest speaker at our Annual Fall Dinner Meeting and Election of Officers. The meeting will be held at 7:00 P . M . , Wednesday, October 15, at the Union League Club. We are delighted to learn through Mr. Szymczak that it will be possible for you to be with us on that evening and are grateful to you for consenting to come. You may be sure that we will respect your wishes to keep this an off-the-record meeting, and it will be informal. I have discussed the matter with Mr. Boyles, our President, and we plan to dispense with all other business except the election of officers, and devote the entire evening to your remarks. At which club or hotel do you prefer to stay? Please let me know when you expect to arrive so that I may make the reservation for you. We are highly honored that you are to be with our local group and deeply appreciate your accepting the invitation which Mr. Szymcak so kindly extended for us. Looking forward with pleasure to seeing you again, I am Very truly yours, Secretary SED:S October 1941. Miss Sue E. Downing, Executive Secretary, Chicago District, Illinois Bankers* Association, 105 Kvest Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois. Dear Miss Downing: This will acknowledge your thoughtful letter of October 4, in which you kindly offer to arrange accommodations for me during my stay in Chicago next Wednesday, October 15 on the occasion of the annual fall dinner meeting of the Chicago District of the Illinois Bankers' association. It so happens that my time of arrival is indefinite and I do not now know my preference as to the hotel at waich I shall stay and for those reasons, I will undertake the arrangements, myself. Again, thanking you for your courtesy, I am Yours sincerely, M. S. Eccles, Chairman. LC cm