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April 7, 1941

Dear Marriner:
When I was in Washington recently, I -was asked
to present a name for the Federal Reserve Bank branch in
Last week I was in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and
had occasion to talk to a number of people about an
available successor to Albert Mitchell, and the name
suggested to me was John Davenport, of Espanola, N. II.
Mr. Davenport handles the livestock for the Bond
outfit in New Mexico. He is a typical cowman, who bears
an excellent reputation throughout New Mexico, and, from
all I could learn, would be an excellent choice for this
We had a Senatorial investigation on the abandonment of the Santa Fe Line, and Mr. Davenport was a witness
against the railroad; but he was so fair and honest in
his statements that certainly I could not hold it against
him. I personally was greatly impressed at the outstanding
character of this gentleman.
Other names mentioned to me were Con Jackson of
the Gross-KeUy outfit at Las Vegas, and Stewart McArthur
of Wagon Mound, N. M.
I feel certain that Mr, Davenport's broad experience in agriculture in New Mexico would enable him to
make a real contribution to this place.

Page 2,

April 7, 1941

Kindest regards and best wishes.

Mr. Marriner S. Eccles, Chairman,
Federal Reserve System,
Washington, D. C.

Copy to:
Mr, Ronald Ramson, Vice Chairman,
Federal Reserve System,
V/ashington, D. C.
Mr. John McKee, Governor,
Federal Reserve System,
Washington, D. C.
Mr. Ernest G. Draper, Governor,
Federal Reserve System,
Washington, D. C.
Mr. M. S. Szymczak, Governor,
Federal Reserve System,
Washington, D. C.
Mr, Chester C. Davis, Governor,
Federal Reserve System,
V/ashington, D. C.



April 14, 1941

Mr, Wilson McCarthy, Trustee
Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Co.
Denver, Colorado
Dear Wilson:
This will acknowledge and thank you for yours
of April 7 in which you suggested for appointment on the
board of the Denver Branch Mr. John Davenport of Espanola,
New Mexico, From what you say of him he is a man of both
standing and character, but it would be helpful if you
could also tell us his approxiiaate age and his economic
or political philosophy. You say he is a typical "cowman".
I have known such who were intelligent and broad in their
views and I have known others who have been narrow and
local in their viewpoint even though excellent businessmen
in their particular field. So if it is not too saich burden,
please enlighten us further respecting Mr. Davenport.
A few days ago Larry suggested that we might consider as a possible candidate one of the agricultural field
men for the two large sugar companies operating in Colorado,
namely Great Western and Holly. If you happen to know either
of these men or could find out about them without too much
trouble it might offer a solution to our problem. However,
this is a shot in the dark as I know nothing about either
of these men or even their names. I have asked Denning to
tell se what he knows about then.
With best wishes and hoping to see you ere long,
I aa
Yours sincerely,

M. S. Eccles

Hay 17, 1941

Mr. Wilson McCarthy, Trustee
Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Co*
Denver, Colorado
Dear Wilson:
I have yours of May 15th and enjoyed the good-natured
jibe about ny reaction to your previous reconsaendations for
a branch director at Denver. In self-defense, however, I
never said that I didn't care for a cowhand or a dirt farmer.
On the contrary, I think we would welcome such a representative of agriculture providing he had some appreciation of what
the function of the Federal Reserve System should be in relationship to the econongr as a whole. Sone dirt farmers, as I
pointed out, are hard shelled and reactionary while others
are well informed on public questions and progressively inclined.
The naiaes suggested in your letter of May 13th as well
as the suggestions previously oade, are appreciated but it
would help us a great deal sore to make up our minds if we
had some notion of the political and social philosophy of
the iaen you suggest. If you have any way of obtaining such
information respecting one or laore of your suggestions, please
let us have the benefit of this. This would apply particularly to John Davenport of Espanola, New Mexico, and Rex Eaton
of Greeley, Colorado. In connection with the latter, tell
us what you can find out about Mr. N* C. Warren of Fort Collins
which as I remember it is in the sane area as Greeley. Warren
was highly recommended by H U B S Wilkins.
With best wishes and thanking you in advance for your
trouble in the above regard, I am


May 1 3 ,

Dear Marriner:
Some time ago I sent you the name of John
Davenport, from New Mexico, an old cowhand and manager
of one of the biggest cow and sheep outfits in New
Mexico, I think your answer was that you didn't care
for a cowhand, or words to that effect.
Then I sent in the name of Wiley Blair, Jr.,
an agriculturist, and your answer is he could not
properly be considered as representing agriculture.
I am now sending two more names for you to
take a shot at.
Ed Sargent of Chama, New Mexico, one of
the largest cattle and sheep operators in New Mexico
and Colorado, Chama is located close to the boundary
line between New Mexico and Colorado, He also
operates several stores, and is a very influential
gentleman in both of these states. He usually makes
his home in the ?dnter time in Denver.
The other name is Rex Eaton of G-reeley, Colo,,
who is a livestock feeder, a beet grower, and an
agriculturist. He is well known and highly respected.
Irrespective of your comments about the recommendations which I send to you, I shall continue to
send them.
In any event, I enjoy your comments.
Trusting this finds you enjoying the best of
Hon. Marriner 3. Eccles, Chairman,
Board of Governors,
Federal Reserve System,
Washington, D. C.
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