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The'attached carne in addressed to Mr. jfensom's attention and was, therefore, not stamped with our
receipt stamp.


June 3,

Dear Marriner:
For your information, at the
request of the Secretary, there is
attached a copy of another article
which appeared in the New York Journal
-^rican last night.

Honorable .... o. Eccles,
Chairman, Board of Governors
'jf the Federal Reserve System,
hington, D. G.

This file contained a transcript of a copyright-protected article that has been removed.
The citation for the original is:
Gould, Leslie. “Proven War Loan Drive Setup Loses to Politics.” New York Journal-American,
June 2, 1943.


Juno 7,

Dear Dan:
As you know, the Chairman i s on a
brief v i s i t in the West and will come back,
I understand confidentially, witii an L.L.D.
from the University of Utah. I hope this
doesn't qualify him as a braintruster.
In hie absence, I wanted to acknowledge your note of June 3 enclosing a
copy of that poisonous essay by Leslie
Gould in the ffew York Journal American of
June 2. Happily, there has been a minimum
of this kind of stuff.
Sincerely yours,

Honorable D. W. Bell,
Under Secretary of the Treasury,
Washington, D. C.
