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February IS, 1946
Honorable Harold B* Ss&th,
Director, Smrema of the i
State Departaent B&ilding,
Washington (35) D. C.
Bear Harolds
with nufcers of the staff, 1 haire
ft great deal of thovgbt to the matter of making
effective tb# Employmnt kst of 1946. Our Qcmelmaians
cantaii^d in the accoapaiying a^arantitM. 1 s-liall
to hasre jwi us® agr n a ^ in, connection with
for s progrsn of the %p@ outlia.@d ia the
should you ear® to do so.
Oar vim i® that mUsts tho Director of th®
Bulgct i s sade Chairman of the Council of
Mirisers the Act irill not b@ ©ff@ctiv®ly
to tgt&blish ar,i entirely new agenq^ in the
Offie®' of th® l^r^^id^it to coordinate eoonoalo polleiM
amd progr®is without integrating i t vith the Bureau of
th© Budget &mm to i s to p ccroii'ter to the general need
for greater centralisation of authority and responsibility
with respect to Federal eoononic policy.

Sincerely yotaru,
