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July lit, 191(2*

Ify dear Governor Towers t
If you have a wailing list for your addresses
sad could pot ma on it, Z would very such appreciate it.
Quantities of speeches eons to ny office that were better
never put in the nails* but yours are not ami would not
be anong then* Voting in an American negating recently
a pertinent quotation from a speech of you*** 1 made a
mental note to ask you for copies in the future of your
public talks end statements* I an aoet favorably impressed by the success you have had in finanoing outside
the banks*
Z hope that if you have occasion to cone to
Washington you will not fall to let ns know.
Sincerely yours,
(Signed) M. S. Eccles
Honorable G« P. towers,
vovernor y
Bank of Canada,
Ottawa, Canada.


l a n k of (Eattaim
(Pttama, July 20th, 1942

The Hon. Marriner S. Eccles,
Chairman of the Board of Governors,
Federal Reserve System,
My dear Mr, Eccles,
I have been away from Ottawa for a few
days, and have therefore been slow in replying to your
letter of July 14th,

I have put your name on the mail-

ing list for any addresses which I may make - although
they only come about once every two years.

A copy of

my remarks to the Bankers Association for Foreign Trade
is enclosed herewith.
I have not been in Washington since I saw
you last, about October 1941. This is too long a lapse,
and I am keen to make another visit as soon as I possibly
can - I hope some time within the next six weeks.


shall most certainly get in touch with you when the time

With best regards, I am,
Yours since/ely,

July 50, 19U2.
dear OoTeraor Towers:
thank you t»i^r such for Bonding se the copy
of your addreas in which 1 was interested, particularly
in the personal income tax rates on the lower ineanes
and la your sueaesa in finanain^ outside of the oo»aerolal banks. 1 approoiate also your putting w& warn
on the waning Hat* I realise that you are an In*
frequent speaker, as I am.
I should like vry »ueh to have the pleasure
of seeing you and 1 hope* therefore* that your v i s i t to
Washington will be soon as ay present plan i s to be away
for a few weeks, leaving here around August 20*
Ulth best regards.
Sincerely yours.

Honorable 6. F« towers,
Bank of Canada,
Ottawa, Canada.