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THE LAWRENCE WOOD ROBERT. JR . H o n o r a r y C h a ir m a n CO O PERATIVE HID F CO M M ITTEE STREET, NORTHWEST W A S H I N G T O N , D. C . D ay p h o n e . D is tr ic t N ig h t P h o n e . D is t r ic t S P O N S O R S AND A D V I S E R S HON. HON. HON. HON. HON. COL. HON, COL. HON. H A R R Y H. W O O D R I N G STEPHEN B. G IB B O N S HARLLEE BRANCH CHARLES WEST J U L I E N N. F R I A N T J . M. J O H N S O N T U R NE R W. BATTLE E D W I N A, H A L S E Y C A R T E R T. B A R R O N November 16, 1937 Personal My dear Governor Eccles: We are thoroughly delighted to learn from Congressman Wright Patman, Chairman of our Congressional Advisory Committee, that you have consented to be our guest speaker at the Cooperative Jorum on Monday evening, KoveLiber twenty-ninth, at eight o’clock. Your discussion of the Federal Heserve System will be of unusual interest and value. You may be sure of an appreciative and, we believe, intelligent audience. These most informal "off the record" meetings are held in the “workshop" of this Committee at the above address. They are by invitation only and we have no publicity. Therefore, we would like you to feel free to speak as frankly as you wish. We are attaching hereto a memorandum describing some information we should like to have, if it meets with your approval. We would be grateful if we might receive it at your earliest convenience. le appreciate deeply your graciousness in arranging to be with us on Koveaber twenty-ninth. Sincerely yours, Charles Chairman The Cooperative Forum The Honorable Marriner S. Eccles Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Heserve System Washington, D. C. copy to Congressman Patman copy to i. W. Robert, Jr. 1717 1770 November 16, 1937 Personal M3MQRJUJIXJM TO: Governor Marriner S. Eccles FROM: Charles T. Bstes SUBJECT: Information requested for use in preparing for the Cooperative Forum, Monday, November 29. The following information will "be very much appreciated: !• Sub.iect The wording you prefer for your subject. 2. Invitations (general) One hundred and fifty word sketch (approximately) of your baclsground to be used for the invitations sent to a carefully selected list. 3* Invitations (special) A list of persons who should receive special letters of invitation. 4. Panel Your suggestion as to who should serve as members of the panel. 5. Summary - for distribution at the close of the meeting ♦Naturally, Two hundred mimeographed copies of a *resume of your informal talk. These will be transmitted by personal letters to relatives and friends in the several States by those who attend the Forum. (a) Robert H. Jackson's resume, attached, will serve as a guide. (b) Please ask your public relations department to save the stencil, if possible, because we frequently have so many requests for additional copies that several re-runs are necessary. Regards-and thanks, oft' the "off the record" portions of your talk should not be included.