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March 18, 19142,

Boar Dan:
this Is a copy of the
randua received this morning from
Allan Sproul relative to the Treasury
financing program which wo discussed
with you yesterday* 1 believe that
it expresses In general the viemof
the Executive Coronittoe of the Open
Market Coaaittee.
Sincerely yours,

Honorable Beniel W. Bell,
Under Secretary of the Treasury,
Washington, $• C.

MSE :VE :b

. Form >F. R. 5 11

Governors LleKee, Draper, and Evans

# % FROM

Chairman E


This is a copy of the memorandum
covering financing which I requested
Mr. Sproul on yesterday to send down
to us, I should like to send this
over to the Treasury as promptly as
possible, advising them that this in
general expresses the views of the
Executive Committee of the Open Market,
Let me know if you have any objection to my doing this,



t h i s It the iMMWMi i«hieh you request«d I tend to font
•Th# g@f»r&l .' 1*0 fram® migrated by tito ?r*ft*vtry n»«ss t© u» to
be lneonpfttable with the primary obj#©iiv<g of obtaining the
snonmt of ftmdts <nst»id« of th# b«?jklag ^fai«s« B3r
Nt a low? L«NMl or inerefttinf the w^l«a# of

f it' would in<sr#ii®« th« lnditooeMBit to tli#

to invoftt In Qovonumnt *Muriti«8 #«d l«»»«n th«
t© ether luve«tor««

Thi» i s IM nsirtrse of whfct M Mre trying

I f the Tre&»«ry Is not yet ready to d&ei&t «,p«m a eonplete
for finimeiBf the m&r effort^ and idshe» to pr©e#«d, ote^ by iMpg iwi
fe«*Xt«¥!» i t shotild &Told tskiB-f steps s«eh • • those wow ?ropo«*d9 which
i s ecabin^tion ^nd by l»plieftti«n wemld &wm to eoasnlt i t to a progr»a
! • w i l t Ml
A p#iX«d ffhort rat<* of interest Ml a lour I f i i U


postiag of a b i l l r*te of #26 p€rc.«fit by eMh of the
12 ?«i4#r&l te^erv® Bwka «Mld fe« mieh
(B) lt«inten«no« of a large volume of K^o«n

A© *tteiapt to 5,ner#ti@® Qx&m® r^mrvm

in I@w fort

almost inevlt&bly InimlT® the staintenamMi in
lorte sud ix% the ©otmiry of & larger val«m« of
then i s si#c«s»®.ry or

(C) Us® of open market issues rather than tap issues In
seeking funds from investors other U M I banks,
A tt&tmmt

in connection with an issue of certifi-

cates of Indebtedness, strewing the fact that
tfetti certificate© are offered as a M A U M of in*
vestment for Idle business funds would imply that
this If th© way which has been chasm to reach
non-b&nk Investors*
We would suggest that, for the present, and until a raore complete
program of financing hae been determined by th© Treasury, the most
appropriate next step wsuld b® to incrsaee th© weekly offering of
Treasury bills to at leajit |2CX),0CX)|.O00 per week. If this were &<m®,
we are siir© that the Federal Knaerre Syst^ia, through it® f#d#rsl Open
Market Cc^ffiittee, would begin building up its portfolio of bills as
soon as the rste reached *-25 percent and would increase its buying
preisiire until the r&ta ,r©aehed #375 percent» at which rate it would
hold the market, if necessary, until there had been a further determination of procedure in consultation with th© Treasury* The explanation
of the increased offering of Treasury bills would be the simple one that
it is designed to give increased fluidity to the ssoney market and to
make excess reserves effective wherever they are located.
An offering of certificates of indebtedness could then be m&de in
due course nhen additional funds are needed bf the Tre&sury#

If, hot*-

ever, the Treastiry wishes to sake sos»® announcement concerning & future
issue of certificate® of indebtedness* at the s&ma time that the
Treasury bill offerings are increased, this could b@ done. Ie think it

would b» b#it#r not to saiao tfct raia «nd JWfct«rityf how#if#rf but
th«t the eertifiefcta* of lfti«h4«AMM vould mip;>l«m«nt
b i l l lasiaft in pPOTMttag th# ^on^|r smrk^te of th« ©oyntrj -with
pt of obligtttlan now l&ekioi IK luwffloifitit TO1W»» to pfovid^ th«

in oar V&t* that until th«r« has b#«n & further

