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March 8, 19U3

Dear Dan:
The Federal Open Market Conrnittee at its meeting
on March 2 took favorable action on two recommendations that
have a bearing on Treasury financing. These recommendations
are (1) that the Treasury allot in full at a rate of j/S of
1 per cent all tenders for Treasury bills for $100,000 or less,
continuing to allot larger tenders as at present to the highest
bidders, and (2) that the Federal Reserve System replace
directly with the Treasury its holdings of maturing issues
of Treasury bills and certificates of indebtedness. As
Chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee I am submitting
the recommendations to you. There is also attached to this
letter a memorandum which gives my interpretation of the
reasons for the recommendations• I should appreciate your
careful consideration of these matters»
Sincerely yours,

K. S. Eccles, Chairman,
Federal Open Market Committee

Honorable Daniel W. Dell,
Under Secretary of the Treasury,
Washington, D. C.




c&mifsm MWMiffii©A?ioxs TO THE

The Federal Open Market Comitte* reooasaeisds that the treasury allot in
full at 4 rate of j/6 of 1 ptr c«nt all tead*r« for Treasury bills for $100*000 or
less* i*rg#r tender* would eoatinu* to be allotted as at present to th© higMtt
bidders. It hat been the view of the Federal Open Market Coaaaittee for sons ttae
thai eJuouragsBeiit should be gitmn to the sale of Treasury bills to bank* outeide
of Hew Tork City and Chioaga for th« pnr^o*e of iaduolog th«to out«14e baukt t#
utllif* their ^xeess r**«rv««» At th* -|^r«80nt ti«Mi th«r# i» »Tid*a«« that in -Swr
Yerk City and £hi®a&9 tha bill ajark#t i« at or near t>x© saturation point. In th«
pa«t foar ws»k9 holdings of bills at b&saku ic th«*e «lti«* havw d««li»»d by ||0O
millisn dollars. 7fc« Fea#ral t#««rr@ Sacks in th«s« four i»««ks iiavo tak*n 000
million dollars of additioisal bill«» an amo;mt «M|uai to tfr* iaer«*s« 1 B tha amount
In tbo*« oiro\i®«tftn©ei additional «fffkrt(i shoyld b« and* to distribute
b i l l s a»oac the outti4l« ba.ak«« fh* at?©TO proposal would bo of great assistant* ia
the Federal OpeB llarket l i M i t M i also r^com^tsds tbst the radaral K*»«rv»
r»plao« dirMrtly with the Umamry it« holdlagu of ssaturiag Issues of
ury b i l l s and iH'llftls^it of indWbtodnfreo* Uadwr prosnat oouditiona th
« f ' b i l l s ar« inor*asi»^ rapidly, aiai i t is generally i^H»«s.sar^ t o go into
ssarkst to reylftgj ^oldiagft of ^a-turing bills* Furtiiear liaoreaaee in the System's
an» in prog^et b««mu»0 of the oontimied iiioro*»« In the ejwunt of money
i s €5iroiilation and i s n»(|ulr«d r««erre« a i depoeite ii^rease* TH* direot replaoe*
tmmt of isattaritien vould in m vmj* ©ImEci® the amount that the System will add to i t s
replacement would avoid churning the market fat bills eaah week*
It would avoid the illusion that bills are being tested la the market before they
are sold to the Federal, an illusion based on the faot that a part of the bills
each week are allotted is response to so-oalled underwriting tenderst the real
underwriting is done by the System* and *ueh indirection has ae plaee at the present tiae. there is no question as to the legality of direot reolaoeses** There
1» a preeedent for it slnoe on two reeent oeeasions the Systea placed subscriptions
for certificates for the amount of its holdings of the mturlog issues. Sinee
replacement of maturing Issues direot with the treasury adds nothing te Federal
Beserve Holding of geveraneat obligatiwu*, if is not inflationary, not even in
the tease that speeliti oertlfloates to avoid overdraft* are inflatioimry inasmieh
as they release funds to the nartot.




March 9,
Dear Marriner:
I have your letter of March 8, 19U3 advising
me of the action taken by the Federal Open Market
Committee on two recommendations with respect to
the allotment of Treasury bills up to $100,000 or
less, and permitting the Federal Reserve System to
replace directly with the Treasury its holdings of
maturing bills and certificates.
We shall be glad to give every consideration
to these two recommendations.
Sincerely yours,

Honorable Marriner S. Eccles
Chairman, Board of Governors
Federal Reserve System
Washington, D. C.
