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£6, 19SS, « t Chicago. I l l i n o i s , the f e » t « r a Division
%h® American Mining Coogro** adopted #. B»clsumii@& of P o l i c y eon-

by epe^iouis of >oras. phraeeft
t o j m l l i f y the i4»ltt Intent «qg ^ g i r i t of oar C o n s t i t u t i o n ?e look
forirard v i t h confi4©nc© wad f a i t h t o th® t i a « wfeeo the £upr«Hi C<mrt
sgaia «111 declare i n Iwagus^e uajsist&kable that i t e provisioae, ratde
f o r th» preserriitioa of individual l i b e r t y sad fresdo® of s c t i o n , ar#
j e t v&lid and binding, (Qfuderscoring supplied.)

bMk,n grown t o such fin alarming extant tht.t
i s no* fecad * i t h • g o n r n M B t f not ty a ©yst&a of cfe#clca
b*lanc«e through l e g i s l a t i v e , j u d i c i a l kind si^ectttiYe fereachefif but
by p o l i t i c a l l y appointed coajaieEioae &nd administrators.
of e m i l l i o n perrons are es^ploy^d by th© Governaetit,
not counting the l e g i s l a t i v e %wi j u d i c i a l branches y the 4ragr a«d
and s p e c i a l ^ s n t s of the IDepcr^aent of Agriculture,
i s P£r&cbln^ o u t t o &1/&TV oiiase of otxp AMerictin l i f e .

•Our Federal public debt i e m»» i a «xcea® of t h i r t y b i l l i o a s
of doiiarg, &&& th# appropriations sutde by the Sev-enty-i'otirth Coagreg#
In «xc««(i of t«n b i l l i o o dollars* Bo goverau^nt can go OR year
ag sort* tkan i t r^efiiv^Sy &od p l l l o g d e f i c i t mpom
Such A eour&« la^vit&bly destroy© tbe c^rr^aey, and Is&d®
t o I n f l a t i o n »ad r»fttdiiitioik« O^f Coveraiacat ^:.^ould. thor^: uro.
t o balmace tha F^dcifj. Bodgot by s t r i c t \U

to® Xenrlefl only to.


























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1 5 , X9&G, a t I t s SSth AUXIUAX iK«otiag 9 latt





October 1, 1986, at Denver, Colorado, the Western Division of
the After!eaa Kinlng Congress adopted a Declaration of Policy containing the folio*ingi
Ta/atlon find Finance









the Federal tax laws to reestablish the flat rate
of corporation tiur, to restore the right to &ake coagolidfctad returns, to remove the tax on dividends received by corporations, to
permit boalaeflui losses of on© year to be deducted .from futtire i**«coae, to provide fall allowance of Hfpttftl lost,®?-, &m& to peradt
•ADoal declaratloft of vfelu® for capital stock t«:xsgp
in ee«e of ©iaiag properties in the development stag©.1

deplore the tfci&leoey to center Bupervi^ioo of bticl1B the Podersal

oppose the growth of bureaucracy, and urge a return
to govartiaect by law inateati of by executive order or adslnlstra*
tive &oer*9*










•Changes in tariff rate© should not be nade through trade
egreesteate *ith foreign coimtride tlthoat specific approval of such
changes by Congress after public hearing**
September 10, 1937, at S&it Lake City, 0tah, the Western Division of the American Mining Congress adopted a declaration of Policy
contalftlag the following:

*The alniag industry views vith concern the continuation
of excessive and maaecessary expendlturee by the Federal Covera«&nt

••• recoiasana the reeBt*feiigh&eat of the flat rate of
corporation tax, toe restoration of the right to a&k© eonsolis:
return©,. th«* reaeir&l of the tut on dividends receive by corporations, the carry lag forward of business losses of erne year to be
deducted Atom, future iseo«e, end the uaiistiitd deduction of capital

•We deplore the growing tendency t» regolAte bttstaees

**We oppeee the growth ot bureaucracy, ana ur^e
i© g©v«rnii^at by law iiufteed »f by mmn through exeeutlve order or

"The ©useatiiil lntereet of employe oad ostploy^r is to ob~
t*ia efficient production through the eooper&tiye efforts of l«borf
a£nag*mfcfii &ad eaplt&l. GoTerosent interference *ith such cooperation ahould be
October ^7, 193$, at Lea Angeles, California, the fee tern
nion of the Aaerlcea Mining Cmgr®m

edopted e Declaretloa of Pelicj

the following*

*Con«l»tettt vith our belief of sm^f yeer»f ••
apprehension the ccratlnuod tmb&lftnced national budget* vlth ^ountiag expeDditorec and profresil^e deficit
«ide necessary thereby. Sound end i^roTea theories of
finance d^R^nd tin&t the control of these ejcpendltures MUST be returned to Congress. There alonet ep tha Constitution provides,
re«pon#ibillty for Ck>vsross©nt revenues cim b© tjuaited *ith re#pooi
bility for Gowrmient exp©n4iture#, Having properly resvmed it«

*con&titfitioa&l powers in this respect, Congratsf i f i t *©uld
Sstioii froa the fiB&nci&l c&t&cX^mm wtich have ©UTeloped eo
r should und mi&% limit Fe<*er«tl expenditwa*€?£ to &
*feicfe citB b« covered ty taxAtioa yielcl**