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TELEGRAPH OFFICE 22PO NS 53 DL & WH SANFRANCISCO CALIF 22ND 1006A ^MARRINER S ECCLES: FSRC SHIPPED UTAH CARLOAD BUT-^TER WE HAVE DONE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE FROM CHICAGO AS YOU KNOW TO HAVE SURPLUS COMMODITIES PURCHASED LOCALLY AND GREAT SURPLUS UTAH THERE IS NO POINT IN PAYING FREIGHT ON TO UTAH AND AT SAME TIME CAUSING WILL APPRECIATE BUTTER EXISTS STOP BUTTER FROM CHICAGO ADDITIONAL LOCAL UNEMPLOYMENT YOUR HELP ROBERT H HINCKLEY August 22, 1954* Robert H, Hinckley, Federal Emergency belief AcH Capitol Building, Salt Lake City, 0tah« Dear Bob: I called Jacob B^ker on the telephone jjamedlately upon receipt of your day letter regarding butter being shipped into Utah from Chicago. Jacob, of course, knew nothing at all about the aatter, but stated, that the Federal Surplus Belief Oorpsr&tloc *as distributing the surplus products purchased by tli@ ^eparta&nt of Agriculture and that no doubt the butter referred to V M a stock Of surplus butter Wnich had been turned over to thsir organization by the Department of A-gricalture for distribution. Jacob seemed rather peevish abovt being called up rogfcrding the matter and felt you should "have gotten Is touch with him direct* I told him I felt that the fOftaOB you had taken it up with se w&& due to sy connection with the CTIA last year tad that you believed I wss fftftillar with the situation in Utah and knew of the difficulty which we had in getting any satisfaction out of VashingtOB last year with reference to tkla same type of probles* Jacob said that in the caye oi* all of their pureht-aes they w^re to take bids, the specifications of if/i:ich war© furnished them Dy the of Agriculture. I told him that it UQemod to sae there should be some way of meeting & situation such M the one referred to; that it certainly reacted unfavorably upon tee entire government a^Kiinistr&tioii to h ve the silk producers as well as the processers, merchants arid others put up a howl, which they naturally do when they see butter being shipped into Utah iTom Chicago when Utah htm a l&rg© surplus of butter which it b*J %o ship out; that r aitowtl— tudb this could be met by an understa-3i:lin^ of the problem u d a ?d.iliiagn@ss to cooperate with the local representatives. J&cob said you would bo over here sometime the irst part of next week and. suggested that at that tJuse the Batter could be given thorottgb consideration with an idea of finding out what the difficulty is an: throohlac it out satisfactorily* Am glad you are coming over. Will look forward to seeing you at that ti'jio* Sincerely yours,