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March 9, 1936,



Mr. Mclntyre



Chairman Eccles

Attached is Senator Benson*s letter which you
asked me to return for your files* I received a closely
identical letter and looked up Frank W# Murphy and Oscar
Jesness whom he recoiaaends.
Governor Myers, of the Fara Credit Administration, and Leo Crowley tell me that Murphy would be very
bad indeed$ Crowley said Murphy would be "impossible*,
that he is hard to get along with, that he is arbitrary,
inconsistent, knows nothing of money and economics, and
is a political opportunist. Hiyers told me that Murphy
wag recommended for the F»C*A»» that hie record was looked
up and that it was •'lousy*, and that Secretary Morgentlmu,
despite political pressures, said he would not have him
under any circumstances, Herbert Gaston confirms this.
As for Jesness, Myers says that he is a pretty
good man "for a professor*, but that he is not outstanding
and if the faculty at the University of Minnesota were to
choose between hia and Frank Peck, they would probably be
unanimous in putting Peck well ahead of Jesness* layers
added that to pass up Peck for Jesness, assuming Peck to
be available, would look "cockeyed".
I am giving you literally, as you will note,
the comments from those whose judgment I consider absolutely trustworthy in reference to this important question of a representative of agriculture on this Board,

- 2 -

You will note that Senator Benson says that the
Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation wired hia urging the appointment not of Peek, but of J. £>• Jones, who is secretary of the Minnesota Bureau. However, Jones had already
wired »e supporting Peck, who, as you probably know, has
the endoraeisent of a long string of agricultural organizations and leaders, including £• J. Taber head of the
Nations! Grange.



March 4, 1936
The attached letter from Senator Benson
to the President is self explanatory, as is the
President's memorandum to me. Would you be good
enough to return this for our files when it has
served your purpose. Thank you.

Assistant Secretary
to the President

March 4, 1936

isar Senator:
The President hss a she •1 ma to thank
you for writing M m as you did on February
twenty-*mirth, concerning your views as to the
importance of the appointment of an agricultural
representative on the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.
He greatly appreciates baring your
auggeetions, and hna asked me to assure you that
your statements regarding Mr, Frank W. Marphy and Dr.
Oscar B« Jesnos© will hav© earnest consideration.
Sincerely youret

Assistant secretary
to the Freeident

Honorable Miaer A* Benson,
United States Senate,
D* C.